Critique Me 2012 - #1

January 21st, 2012
So we have not had a good Critique Me thread in a long time, so much so that I cannot find the last discussion posted. So here is how this works for new members who want to voluntarily get constructive feedback.
• Step One, go to the person who commented last (not posted last)
• Step Two, copy their most recent picture, not any other, but can choose any album they have
• Step Three, go to reply on the discussion, and add their @username and paste their photo
• Step Four, tell them one thing you LOVED about the photo, and one thing that you would possibly change or do different with their photo.
• Step Five, wait for the next person to critique your photo.
This is a great thread that will give you some constructive criticism and maybe see your photo differently.

But because this is a new chain for the year, I am going to pick a volunteer that hopefully will not mind. So Art Hsieh will be shown first, but the next person will review Paula Brumbe. Any questions, just @brumbe me and I will get back to you.
Once the thread gets too long or it has been a while, feel free to start a new discussion, but please use the first photo of the person who last critiqued a photo

There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your favorite photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste. 5) If it is not your photo also tag the person who it belongs to so they know you love it (@name) remember no punctuation on either side of the @and name.

The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed.
January 21st, 2012
@emsabh I really like the high impact graphic quality of black, patterned coaster and glass. If I was going to recommend a change I would have put the coaster a bit straigher, or I would have had a point be dead center.
January 22nd, 2012
@burmbe I love the texture and the out of focus areas. I think I would crop out the plain background at the top of the image. There is some nice soft light, but I might experiment with harder side light or something to see if you get interesting shadows and depth (but soft is ok too :)

January 22nd, 2012
@brumbe I love this discussion!!!
Here we go..

I choose this one, the most recent from your Theme album, because you've used my tinfoil idea (yay) and I love the simplicity and focus! Not sure about the cross-process edit though and wonder what the SOOC looks like! I might have just warmed the tones a little
January 22nd, 2012

I love this Elke! I'm sure your little one will appreciate that his face is not in it! My kids are not so lucky. The processing is a little contrasty, but I think it works here. One critique is that you cut off his cute little toes!
January 22nd, 2012

I like this photo - perfect for the theme. I'm not that great at photography to offer critique but the logo is kind of distracting to me, it's big and right in the middle. Love the effect you are going for and it works.
January 22nd, 2012

I love this! The clarity of the eye. Beautiful details, and I actually really love the black shadow that crops the photo. I suppose, if I did anything different, it might be to go the opposite - full color - because I'm sure those eyes are gorgeous either way.
January 22nd, 2012
@mikew was skipped in the beginning.
I really like the colors and the "feet" details. I think I would like the full antennae and not cropped off.
January 22nd, 2012

I love the silhouette feeling to this! If i could change anything.....hmmm.....toughy....i might take out that random person in the water but you would need to do a whole bunch of editing and you cant really notice faving this!
January 22nd, 2012

This is awesome! I love how you can make out the person in the reflection! I have no clue what I would change about this... maybe just make it a wider crop. Other than that, great photo!
January 22nd, 2012
I love the reflection and if I changed anything it would be to have a little bit more of the foreground. Really like it though.
January 22nd, 2012

this is a really lovely natural light shot. I think it could be improved by pulling the right side out a bit so that the vertical "horizon" isn't straight down the middle, and the little bit that is really golden and lit up would be more top-right quadrant. I really like the jagged lines and the perspective you have here. Nicely done. :)
January 22nd, 2012

Love the processing and detail. If it has been cropped would have left full seat in as I feel I am missing whole
January 22nd, 2012

Really like the pose and detail of garden. Might have sharpened more.
January 22nd, 2012

I love the focus and the way the light glows around the subjects hair. the only thing I would have done differently is frame her on the other side of the shot, so that we see follow her line of vision instead of seeing so much of what is behind her
January 22nd, 2012
@jsw0109 Thanks, Jeff! I agree - and I have a really bad habit of always framing things to the right side - like I've been trying to frame things on the left. I think I will continue with my standard sports rule of framing in the center so I can have more to play with from now on...the left-side frame experiments should be reserved for nature shots :)
January 22nd, 2012
@peterdegraaff you got missed, so I have to say, that the silver object on the rock makes you want to really look further into the picture, but I would say the scale is just a hint to big because I really could not see what the silver object was. But I love the wide angle sky though.
January 22nd, 2012
@sdpace its easy to get into a comfort zone... I catch myself doing it all the time, many times AFTER the fact LOL.... but that's one of the great things about 365project... I've learned way more in the 21 days since I started this than I have in the last several years!
January 22nd, 2012
For the next person to critique, Jeff Walker is next to review @jsw0109
January 22nd, 2012
I love the waterfall and the wintery feeling that picture presents. I also like the sun flare breaking through the trees. If I were to change something I might suggest moving the top of the waterfall up higher or shifting the entire frame to the left to add a little unexpected interest to the composition.
January 22nd, 2012
I hope I understand this right....


I really like the theme of this shot. The red in the ice. What I would have done differently would be to keep more of the main branch in the foreground in focus.
January 22nd, 2012
I'm a newbie, so hopefully I'm doing this right.


I love this black and white shot. The guitar off-center is great. I guess the only thing I would change is to move some of that cord out of the picture. Great shot!
January 22nd, 2012
@katiebrenkert that's actually one of the first flaws I noticed.... the top of the waterfall is too centered... having it higher or to the left (or even the right) would make it more aesthetic
January 22nd, 2012
@brumbe hey thanks for throwing me under the bus lol. This is a great thread.

Hi @jenimac !

I like the composition and the colors. Great primary and good pop. I might suggest leveling the image just a little to the left, and a bit more relief on the yellow candy.
January 22nd, 2012
@mjmama I know!!! I did make one or two with his little toes in the pic but I this one was more interesting in angle, position of hands and book ;-) I'll try to get the toes in next time :-D
January 22nd, 2012

beautiful photo! nice colors and lighting. a bit of horizon straightening and a wider crop would make the photo even more interesting. still a great shot
January 22nd, 2012
@harsha Thanks! At the time I posted I *thought* I hd it straight, but I think I had been up for 20 hours and my eyeballs were a little crossed :-)
January 22nd, 2012
@harsha What did you mean by more relief on the yellow candy?
January 22nd, 2012

I like the surrealistic feel your processing has on this shot. Well done.

If this had been mine, I would have emphasized the fire a little bit more, especially since it's the title of the shot.
January 23rd, 2012

I like the detail on this photo and the colors. I think the bee would have looked better a little more upright. She looks like she might be dead.
January 23rd, 2012

I love the color in this shot most of all. So bright and crisp. I also find the composition pleasing, but if I had to make a recommendation, perhaps you could take a different perspective. Getting a little lower to hide the houses in the upper left and to see more of the red basket bottom.
January 23rd, 2012

For this composition, the use of negative space and the rules of third keeps my eye wandering around the image while returning to the hanging ice jewel due to the highlights. However, I'm also concern if there is too much negative space as my eyes don't seem to spend much time on the ice jewel. I didn't automatically think what the ice jewel look like (i.e. dancer or grand slam basketball person). Maybe I would frame the composition so the ice jewel is more static and closer to center.
January 23rd, 2012

I really like this! I love the way you've focused on the red envelope instead of the girl. my only critique would be that the background is a bit distracting, but other than that I love this.
January 23rd, 2012
@cmc1200 Thank you for the critique. Getting a lower pov would have been an excellant idea. I'm a bit of a fair-weather photographer and it had been raining and the grass was all wet. ;) I was lazy.
January 24th, 2012
@Marie I love how this picture brings me in wanting to see more. If it were my picture I might not have cropped it as much, that way I could have moved the dog more to the right so there was a place for him to go! It is a great picture though!
January 24th, 2012

You have a nice selection of photos. I especially love this one. It is well shot and everything about it is nicely balanced. The only change might be to have shot it from the other corner so the license plate was more featured. It gives it this sense that it might still be road worthy.
January 24th, 2012
@brumbe Thank you for "fixing" my mistake on the reasons2behappy. How do you get that there? This is the first time i did this and I love the idea. Thank you for helping me!
January 24th, 2012
@swguevin Thank you for the comment. I thought the same thing about the license plate but what you can not see in the picture is all the stuff the owner collected. If I would have shot it from the other side I would have had his treasures in the picture!
January 24th, 2012
@michelroberts - thanks for the critique! :)
January 25th, 2012

@reasons2behappy I really think that it has some awesome detail and great artistic aspects of it that make it very interesting. It's hard to pick something I would change, but it is a little hard to tell what it is exactly, maybe if there was some kind of object in the reflection could make it a little more interesting. But it's a great shot
January 26th, 2012
@mjsather Hi Matt

For this photo you said you wanted an older feel to it. The best way to achieve this is by going b&w and graining, so poss increase the ISO, you shot it at 100. I would have also personally got a lot closer to the building and shot upwards, but that's a personal thing. It's a great building, I can see several potential photo's in there, window close up, brickwork close up, creepy doors etc, I hope you go back and revisit this place, a great find!
January 27th, 2012

Hi Charli,

I love the mood of your shot and the strong silhouettes (which I also love taking shots of!). I wonder if it would look even better if the sky was slightly lighter so that the cloud is more obvious. I also wonder about cropping a little off the bottom so that the roof is on the one third line - it would interesting to see if that does improve it.
January 30th, 2012

I really like how down and dirty you got :) The POV is great! I think that it would be nice if there was a specific point of focus... maybe the reflection, or one of the lines of ice. It almost looks like the focus is to the left... I had to sorta search for it :) Overall neat shot though!
January 30th, 2012

Well this is just a really interesting portrait! I loved it right away. The thing I like about it is that your face is cut-off... this leads me to want to see more... which I think is a very good thing! I also really like the processing used.

The only thing I would like to see perhaps is a B/W version or some different crops. Overall a great image!
January 30th, 2012

@100summits - i can see why you loved this photo. You are obviously very skilled. What I like about it is that you've pushed it so far into the range of unrealistic. After I've seen so many nature shots, they all begin to look alike to me, but you've made this really interesting with the blend of star trails and sunrise.
March 10th, 2012

@reba Love the subject matter and the colours! However, maybe if you made the editing slightly more severe it would look even better as currently it still looks slightly too real to fit with what I think you are trying to portray. Other than that, love it! :)
March 10th, 2012
@sobefree - that is a brilliant criticism. Thank you. I have had the experience of doing to subtle of a texture and having it misunderstood and I think that was probably the issue. :)
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