Critique for an amateur photographer?

January 30th, 2012
Hell everyone, new wannabe photographer here :) I've been playing with my little camera around and i thought i should do a "photo year" project, which i afterward found out is usually referred to as the 365 project :) So naturally i ended up here :)

Being at the beginning of what i hope will be a long photographic life, i could use a bit of critique for my photos and maybe an occasional advice or two.

Thank you all :)

Best regards,
January 30th, 2012
You have a very nice start- If you want critique it would be good to start following peope who's work you enjoy and then they may follow you back. Also putting "critique encouraged" somehow in your description lets people know you want it. Enjoy the site and best wishes.
January 30th, 2012
this gets posted every couple weeks and will probably be due a new one later this week. But it is a great way to get feed back on your latest photo from most likely someone who does not know you.
January 30th, 2012
Would anybody critique me? I just started taking an interest in photography and could use some pointers :)
January 30th, 2012
@gamezplayi I looked through your photos and think you have an amazing eye. Your composition is spot on. However, a lot of your photos seem a little underexposed (dark). Sometimes that is a good effect. But for shots of food, the effect usually makes the subject look less appetizing. Just my opinion. Good luck.
January 30th, 2012
@tabithasyear I took a peek and like your photos per your request. There is a nice wide variety. A lot of your photos also look a tad underexposed, but depending on the lighting, the subject, and your camera, this cannot be helped sometimes. Over time you should get more familiar with what makes for adequate natural light for your camera, and what settings work best in darker situations. Photography is first off about light.

I saw you comment about breaking photography laws and had to laugh. If there are any "photography laws" then they are meant to be broken, but I would add - the laws can be broken "within reason." Some "laws" (guidelines, really) have been developed because they generally result in more interesting photographs that keep the viewer's attention, which is the goal of all photographers at some level.

I would encourage you to keep shooting everyday, and to keep working on your composition techniques. Try different perspectives of things.

Lastly, I often forget to do all this, so please don't judge me based on how well I follow my own advice. :)
January 30th, 2012
Agree with whats already been said.

Work on your exposure first Florin.
Some great pic's must most are either under exposed or over exposed.
I am no expert, but immediatley i was drawn to this issue.

All the best and Keep em Comin ;)
January 30th, 2012
@gamezplayi @tabithasyear I am happy to critique your photos. All you have to do is just tag me in the comments of the photo and ask me what you would like me to look at, then I will pop past.

I normally do critique image unless someone askes me to, as some people like the comments and other do not, so I do not offend or dampen anyones spirit in this project.

@johnkratofil Mate. Love your advice, well said... and I really like your last line.. I had a little giggle..
February 1st, 2012
Thank you for the answers guys :)
March 4th, 2012
@johnkratofil Sorry I'm so late to reply but I just saw it! Thanks so much! I'll do abit of reserch and try to improve the light in my shots, I've never really given it any thought even though it's really quite important xD
March 5th, 2012
I too am an amatuer and looking for critiques to improve my craft. Please help.
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