Advice? :)

February 7th, 2012
My school is having an art show and competition, and I think I may finally share my photography with people outside of 365 for once. So, I would really appreciate any suggestions on which photos from my album I should enter into the show/competition :) Also, if you have any critiques or things I should fix in any of the pictures to make them better for the competition, that would be great as well :)
Thank You!!!
February 7th, 2012
This is a great shot nice detail in the ice on the branches, it could do with a crop as the bottom third of the shot is distracting, you would still have a nice depth to the shot with the eye being drawn toward the tree fruit and ice more. Hope this helps for starters.

February 7th, 2012
This one has nice elements and speaks to a large range of people.

February 7th, 2012
This one caught my eye. I would try to tone down the orange of the ladder some, just because it attracts the eyes. I think the girl on the boat in the back ground makes the photo though. My only other suggestion is to make sure you mask out your watermark before you enter it into the comp, let the photo speak as loud as possible!

February 7th, 2012
@griff thank you, I'll forsure try cropping it and see what it does.

@swguevin thank you.

@shadesofgrey Yeah, I've been meaning to tone down the bright orange, it is rather annoying. And I have already taken out the watermark on all the pictures I plan on entering :) Thank you.
February 7th, 2012
I liked several from your album
8, 13, 25 Dec (sorry I am relatively new and not sure how to bring up your pictures). The ones with the fairy lights wrapped around you are also interesting :-)

Good luck :-) x
February 7th, 2012
@crimper_chun thank you! And just in case you want to know, in order to share your own, or other people's pictures on a discussion thread you go to the right side of the picture and there's a "share" link there. You just copy and paste it into the text box :) (It took me forever to figure that out also)
February 7th, 2012

better? :)
February 7th, 2012
@snijhuis ahhh!!!!....I am now enlightened!!! thanks! ;-D
February 7th, 2012
@snijhuis this version without the orange ladder looks great :D
February 8th, 2012
steph- well its difficult to suggest because there is a lot to consider when you are entering into a show- first is it a juried show- where is the location of the show and who is the juror- what size image to you want to submit- some images are better printed large and then some are better printed small and intimate. You want to stand out and the quality of your print is going to say just as much about your image as the composition and lighting does. I saw several of your images that I like and thought would be good to enter into a show, but the ones I thought were uniquely expressive were the ones on October 23 and 24 and I also loved the composition simplicity color of the tree on Oct 28. One of the things that also makes it difficult to suggest an image to you is the size of image that we can view on 365. We can not enlarge the image to see how it looks blown up as far as details, etc. I have entered many juried shows and won awards and also have some of my images in private collections. The images I post on 365 of course are not the best or most interesting of my work but the goal for me is too keep creative on a daily basis. If you have any questions or if I can help or support you in anyway please let me know. Ok and good luck.
February 8th, 2012
@soulfocus thanks for all the advice, I'll definitely think about all that stuff while I'm picking my photos. Also, are you sure you meant October 23rd and 24th? I don't have a picture uploaded for either of those days.
February 9th, 2012
sorry steph i meant november 23, 24 these images are different and fun- you took the idea of painting with light and came up with some very original images- I don't know what they look like on a larger scale but I really thought they were stand out
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