If you have a moment

February 9th, 2012
I am sorry if this has been done before but I would love some honest (constructive) critique of my photos.
I am doing 365 to improve, learn and challenge myself, I believe only by knowing what I am doing wrong I can learn and move forward.
There are so many amazing, inspiring photographers on this sight that I am in awe and have already learned a lot.
Thanks ;)

My latest shot
February 9th, 2012
I'd have liked to see a more of a contrast in the textures of the jeans and the wood, or maybe the dancer standing on the other side of the frame so they contrast against the lighter wood instead of blending with the dark one. Eventually you learn to have a quick eye for such things, and it becomes second nature
February 9th, 2012
@foximilq thank you Claire for your critique :) This is a selfie, so really I should have taken the extra time before the shot to look where the light was.
Something that I will try and be more aware of in future.
February 9th, 2012
Was this image made in color and converted to b&w (sepia?)? If so, would you be willing to share the color version? As Claire mentioned, the tones are very similar in this b&w version, so it might work better as a color image.

ETA - does the lens you used for this have a fairly large aperture available? Even f4 would likely be enough. If you could have had the aperture wide open, it may have rendered the wood OOF and that would also allow your legs to pop a bit more from the background.
February 9th, 2012
@mummarazzii I hope that's what you were after! Also I really love that other one of your ballerina feet on your tippy toes! You have a really great grasp of light/shadows it's seriously impressive. I couldn't get a hang of shadows for almost forever. I'd also think that this picture would look good in colour :)
February 9th, 2012
@mikehamm yes it was shot in colour and converted.
The colour version

@foximilq yes it was, thank you so much for the compliment :)
February 9th, 2012
Oh yeah, the color version is much better IMO. The legs and shoes just pop away from the fence. Textures seem cleaner to my eye also.
February 9th, 2012
I also think the colour version is better - I love it!
February 9th, 2012
I agree with Mike and Dominique....the colour version has more life and therefore more beauty to the photo! you could tone the colour of the jeans down to focus on the slippers but the lighting looks great!
February 9th, 2012
@mummarazzii definitely like this in colour, the slippers almost look golden, it's lovely and the blue sticks out perfectly
February 9th, 2012
I think with the sepia tone, the fence and the jeans are so vertical and long, that the detail of the ballet shoes gets lost. Also with the sepia it gets a bit complicated.

the color gives more definition, but I would crop in portrait style instead of landscape to give a sense of more impact and less background.
February 9th, 2012
I actually like the color version better, but the jeans are pretty dark (I know you can't help their color). And I find myself wanting to see more of the shoes. I love the concept of the photo though. Ballerina in blue jeans :-)
February 9th, 2012
Love the shine in the shoes but I'm with @shutterbug0810 - i'd really like to see more of the shoes. If the trousers were a bit shorter then this would gave helped but the focus in this pic is definitely the shoes. Colour is also better.
February 9th, 2012
I quite like your original photo Lisa. The composed well to rule of thirds. The jean legs kind of blend in with the timber fence in the background, it slightly confuses my eyes which leads me to look around the photo for more information. the ballet shoes down the bottom explain the real situation in the shot.
the second shot you posted is too contrasty/saturated for my taste. and it looks like a shot of some legs in front of a fence (colour bores me because it makes me connect with the banalities of everyday life. it's a personal preference i guess).

Your first photo has a bit of mystery and tells us a little something about the subject in the photo without showing 60% of the person. so well done.

EDIT: it would help if i got your name right lol. sincere apologies.
February 10th, 2012
I prefer the color version as well its a great composition and idea- I would like to see it with less saturation and a little color correction- you are on the right track - Keep working on it and you will end up with a great image.. If you were going to go colorless U think black and white would lend to the image better than the sepia- make it soft but with some contrast to add to the details.
February 10th, 2012
@mikehamm @victorypuzzle @ladydi53 @foximilq @brumbe thank you so much for your opinions and advice, I will definitely take it on board. I really appreciate you taking the time to critique. (Sorry for the collective thanks, I have a squirming toddler on my lap lol)
@shutterbug0810 @kareen I do have another shot from yesterday with more shoes and different jeans.
@scatochef thank you for your indepth opnion. I sometimes have a bad habit of over saturating...something I need to tone down.
@soulfocus I do not know a lot about colour correcting, do you mean by toning down the blues or browns for eg?
Other shot from yesterday
February 10th, 2012
I love it the way it is - what type of software editing program are you using- When I said color correct its because each camera/computer has its own way of expressing color and sometimes it comes out nice but not the "hues and tones" that are reality. I imagine that your pointe shoes are probably in reality - ballet pink, In your photo they are on the gold side- so you would adjust slightly away from yellows or green because green has yellow in it. the wood behind you may be that color in reality I am not sure- sometimes wood is that color. but if you take away the yellow or green just a smidge i bet your wood would warm up a bit. I love this though. ( I used to be a dancer and I loved Harvey Edwards posters/photographs? and this reminds me a little of that. If you want me too I will be glad to make a copy of your photo, do some color correction and give it back to you with what I did so maybe you will understand better. I respect artist copyright.
February 10th, 2012
It's all about the shoes now. I think it works really well although my eyes are also being drawn to the crooked tiles between the shoes!
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