Critiques please

February 29th, 2012
Please tell my partner how good this is for her second ever picture on DSLR It is enhanced using Canons DPP just some exposure alterations to highlight the detail inside the silhouette and a sepia tone over a standard monochrome setting.

February 29th, 2012
im not a pro but i love the concept on this, and how you can see the subtle texture on it. it feels sentimental. very very great work for a second photo!
February 29th, 2012
Mate, my wife has been trying to take my photo for years and she still is no where near this. Well done.

I think I would of liked the shadows to be much crisper but hey that is just me... :)
February 29th, 2012
@agima I wasn't going to respond personally, not yet anyway. The plan is to show her any positive comments she gets and let her respond herself if she wants to later....

R.E the sharpness, The picture was taken using My Plastic Holga lens so sharpness can be hit or miss depending how you use it. My shots were sharper but they didn't have the impact that this one did. With these lens you sometimes lose the sharpness but gain so much more. They truly are unique. I wasn't sure how they would convert to digital as they are predominantly used with film.

I also think the reflection of light might off affected the sharpness, Diane used a very different angle to me and we managed to catch the very last bit of our indoor sunlight against the wardrobe door, it was an hour and a half before sunset and clear blue skies, so it was a pretty powerful light.

Thanks for responding, she doesn't seem to think anything much of it. I think all her years of trying to get the best product photo for ebay has paid off.
February 29th, 2012
If you would be so kinda as to expand on the comment "her years of trying to get the best product photo for ebay has paid off." that would be nice.
February 29th, 2012
haha, she sells a canny bit of stuff on ebay (she sells my daughters old stuff to help pay for new stuff), not using light boxes and the likes, she always takes her pictures in dim lit rooms as one side of our house gets very little direct sun, and she nearly always uses them rooms.

I was talking to her last night about the merits of her technique, in that she used her feet to get the frame right and when I mentioned zoom she told me that she never uses the zoom on her items, she always gets closer or further away. she then went on to show me what she thought was wrong with some peoples pictures on ebay and that there item won't sell. Sorry for the bad grammer!! I wanted to respond before I go to work :) @agima
February 29th, 2012
I find this image very interesting and thought-provoking, especially after reading about how it was taken. Also found your subsequent discussion re: eBay interesting. I too used to sell a lot of items on eBay, and the photograph can certainly make all the difference in the world! Wonderful that she's so aware and seems to have naturally developed some very good talent. Tell her "well done!"
February 29th, 2012
Well what can I say, My lass is hard to please!! She has read all your comments and she said that she is still not convinced that she has done anything out of the ordinary.

She says thank you for all your comments anyway.. Thanks for trying guys :)

@lindenswhite @agima @onehappyday
February 29th, 2012
I would like to see some of her product shots.
March 1st, 2012
@agima She has nothing on there at the minute, years isn't as long as it sounds btw, I was in a rush this morning and wrote very much how I speak! I don't express time very well in words when I talk. sometimes the other week could be months and so on. Our baby girl is two n seven days so it technically we are not at the years point yet.

All the files get deleted once she has uploaded them. I have seen her in action, she'll take the picture judge it, move things, change rooms, add a throw as a backdrop. Laminate floor works well as does our white duvet that kind of thing. I don't think you'd find anything amazing but you would see good clear pictures as she does think about it.
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