Editing advice please?

March 9th, 2012
I'm ordering some photos online and before I submit the order and pay the postage etc, I thought I'd also include a version of my "Dying Rose"...

Eversince I uploaded this collage the fifth shot has really bugged me (the different colour background) so I've taken the best part of the last hour trying to tweak it (only using Picnik) to try and make the differences a little more subtle. It's still not quite right, but I can't seem to do any better than that.

Anyway, I've decided I'd like to have it printed for the kitchen wall but cannot decide whether I prefer the original version (with the tweaked 5th shot) or a softer/warmer version (both below)...or can you suggest any other adjustments I could try first?

Thanks as always guys. Have a good weekend x
March 9th, 2012
i'm really partial to that last row. no idea what your kitchen looks like but i think the warmth of these pics would prob set it off nicely. just my opinion, though...
March 9th, 2012
@grecican Thanks hun...I know it's a very subjective thing, but you know when you've been looking at something for way too long...you can't see the woods from the trees as it were...Thinking about it, maybe I should just switch off and have a fresh look tomorrow!
March 9th, 2012
i like the warmer version for sure, the colors are more graduated as far as the flower goes, and the tones match better. you could even reduce more green in the 5th shot to get the background tones to match more.
March 9th, 2012
@sdpace That's really helpful - thanks. I'd have no idea how to get the background to match (not used to changing levels, or whatever they're called!). I'll give it a go now.
March 9th, 2012
@lluniau , i like the last row. It's such a beautiful collage!
March 9th, 2012
@lluniau if you use lightroom, the tone sliders are at the very top in the develop pane - just move it from the green side to the right. if you use photoshop, you can do Image -> Adjustments -> color balance and see the same sliders - just play with the green/pink slider with the mid-tones and see what you can do! if you don't use either of those, I can't really direct you exactly where to go :)
March 9th, 2012
I like the bottom row better. Warmer works for me.
March 9th, 2012
@paulaag Thanks :)

@sdpace I think I've just managed it in pixlr - thanks! I seem to learn more about stuff like this from specific problems. When Picnik ends I'm going to try and get my head around pixlr and your suggestion just gave me the nudge I needed to dip my toe in the water, as it were.
March 9th, 2012
I prefer the last row too.
March 9th, 2012
I actually prefer the cooler shot as the colour of the flowers is nicer and the contrast between the flower and the background is more distinct.
March 9th, 2012
At first glance the warmer shots are more inviting, but on closer inspection I liked the top lot. No right or wrong here, just personal preference. What does your heart tell you?
March 9th, 2012
I also prefer the last row :)
March 9th, 2012
original with tweaked because I think it shows how the flower also darkens as it is sagging.

Really it depends on the kitchen if you have warmer tones or more metal and cooler tones.
March 9th, 2012
I like the last row the best :-)
March 9th, 2012
The warmer version looks more cohesive!
March 9th, 2012
Thank you very much to everyone for your comments. It seems the warmer version is the winner at first glance although the original seems to be favoured beyond that first glance (ish).

I've now sorted #5's colour thanks to @sdpace 's help...and when I ought to have just switched off and come back to look at it in fresh light tomorrow, I went back to the drawing board and played around some more.

By posting two examples I was hoping your responses would help me choose which one to have printed. Instead, I've ended up with more to choose from! Don't feel obliged to comment, but if you'd like to help me choose, feel free! I'm going to turn away now and see which one draws my eye in the morning!

March 9th, 2012
i loke the 2 in the middle and the bottom right :o)
March 10th, 2012
Bottom right
March 10th, 2012
Elin..i luv the Vivid colors and the last row at the top gives me that detail is what i like, I still think you could have added abit more red to the roses..Good luck and love them..
March 10th, 2012
They are all beautiful but I like the bottom row in your first post the best. I love the softer colors in it. Just my opinion, though.
March 10th, 2012
bottom right- gorgeous :)
March 10th, 2012
this just got mad difficult. really dig the second row of the first block and the last row of the second block.

good luck... will you post a pic up of your final choice and where you decide to place in your kitchen?
March 10th, 2012
middle left OR bottom right, in my opinion. hard to say since IDK what your kitchen looks like! but what a great idea to have this in your kitchen!
March 10th, 2012
Im still voting for the original. that's the top right right?
March 14th, 2012
Thank you very very much to everyone for your kind comments and opinions on the above. I eventually had 2 different ones printed (as it's also difficult to know how the colours get processed etc) and to be honest there's not much difference between them. I've still not chosen my favourite - I'm going to try and find a frame then see what they look like in it.

I'm really sorry to have abandoned this thread (until now) - it's been very very hectic here lately, and although I thought doing an alphabet challenge this month would give me more time to catch up with my "365 life"(!) but as you can see, I've even fallen behind with my own shots! I'll be back soon, and as soon as I've found a frame I'll take a photo of the finished product and let you guys have a look :) xx
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