looking to Improve

March 26th, 2012
Hi guys im after some honest but helpful critique with these pics. I have started shooting friends and family to get more experience but need to know where to start. Also feel free to critique any other shots in my albums. Currently im working on my portrait taking skills.

It was overcast and then the sun came out hence the shadows on the faces, by the time the lighting fixed itself the kids were over it.

Hows the editing? too much or not enough? i tend just to lighten the shots a little and in the 3rd one i have used a little bit of cross process, is it too much?
March 26th, 2012

ohh and this one to? what do you think of the SC? i know its often overdone is this an ok example? i dont want to start cliches!
March 26th, 2012
Selective colour is poop generally, it is the result of people not using depth of field and good framing to make a focal point in their picture. It is a cover up is why its frowned upon. Your portraits here are nice, your family one might have used a reflective umbrella to bounce light back at the family group and dispell the shadows, you can also use fill in flash, the child picture is beautiful. You don't need to edit good pics I don't think.
March 26th, 2012
Agree with everything Dave has said. @chewyteeth

They are nice but not outstanding. If you were to give them to one of your friends they would think they are fantastic. So well done.

Let me quickly run through them and what I think I would change:

1) Nice but as you mentioned the light is not so good with the harsh shadows.

I think I would work on the pose as it looks a little..... staged/boring. I would shake them up a bit and have them in different heights and depth in the image.

2) Nice but I would make a better image is the child had their eyes open more. Kids also look great if they are looking at the camera with their big white eyes. I would then sharpen their eyes, add some extra contrast to the eyes and bring out the colour in the eyes. I might also add some extra contrast to the overall photo but that is a play and see type of thing.

3) Out of the images I like the third. It would of been nice to get a closer crop or image so you could see the people. I like the processing and the poses of the subject. Very nice.

4) Not a big fan. It seems a bit boring and the selective colour thing is not my thing. i would of used a shallow DOF to remove most of the background as while it is part of the area, I think it really add anything from the waters edge back. In doing so your subject would also pop from the background. I also think the top of that image is wasted so I would crop much tighter on the subject.

I hope that help.
March 26th, 2012
@chewyteeth @agima Thankyou very much you have helped me a lot, im happy as they are all things which i have thought of myself. i will have a play with the final image again before i give it to them on CD :-)

@agima i actually have shots of her looking dirently at the camera and smiling but the smile wasnt quite as big, what do you think of cutting off her ear? i havent cropped it, this is just how i framed it, it was a quick snap as she was laughing at her dad.
March 26th, 2012
@chewyteeth @agima sorry another question with the truck shot i would find it very hard to get the more shallow depth of field which is what i would have wanted as they were moving very quickly, would it look ok added in slightl during the edited phase or is it not something which could be pulled off?
March 26th, 2012
@sarahricho I don't have any issues with cutting off the ear or the top of the head.

I am sure you have taken heaps of photo of such a fun loving child. If you want to tag me in the comments of those photo I will happily come along and CC those ones also.
March 26th, 2012
tia, i havent yet uploaded them but when i do i will tag you :-)
March 26th, 2012
I like selective colour.....it's fun
March 26th, 2012
OK, but the color is kinda drab on the images, which makes them look flat and kinda boring. I agree with Selective color. If you can't do it on film, don't do it digitally, with portraits.

Remember, using a fill flash outside is not taboo. I don't know if you have an off camera flash, or the pop up. If you have the Pop up, get an off camera flash.

With an off camera flash, you can dial it down . Typically, when I will use a flash outside, depending on how far away I am, I will dial it down -3 to -1.0. If gets rid of those nasty shadows (picture1), and also maintains a balance of exposure of foreground and background.

If you want to take good portraits, and are using one of those plastic kit lenses, consider a good 50mm or 60mm prime lens. Makes a world of difference.

Hope that helps.
March 26th, 2012
Pardon my ignorance...but what is Selective Color? did i miss something in this discussion?

Also @Sarah....Thank you for putting your photos out there to for us to critique. Feel free to do the same on some of mine in my project. i just started my project this past Saturday. Actually i welcome any comments on my photos as well. I really want to grow in photography.

thank you in advance.
March 27th, 2012
@cluvlj thankyou, i currently am using a 50mm for alll my portraits it was just a kit lens and im thinking of upgrading down the track, there is a million lenses i want but will neet to win the lotto before im able to get them!

i really want a nice flash, the only one ive got at the moment is the dodgy pop up one which came with the camera, i hate it, it sucks. a flash is my next purchase.

@irabat selective colour is when you turn a pic black and white and only have a little bit of it in colour. the boys with the trucks are in colour but the background is black and white, its fun but professionals seem to hate it :-) its one of those photography cliches, its very easy to do so gets done to death... kind of like what is happening to HDR. it can be used way over the top and if i ever use it i try and do it subtly.
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