Entered a contest - Need your critique

March 26th, 2012

Yesterday i spent the day in south beach on a photography competition. The pictures were to be submitted at the end of the day in the memory card and we had to have 12 shots done between 11 am and 4 pm. Never realized how stressfull that could be until yesterday lol. I ended up taking the pictures out of order because i kept on thinking of better ideas for a topic, so i had to run to a cyber cafe with 10 minutes left to go to the end of the competition and i made some panicked choices. For example, used the same tree for abundance and texture (ugh!!!!). Two of my 'in' pictures are of the same type of thing and i had something different that i didn't add in the ed. Anywho, no editing allowed so i was completely OUT of my safe zone; no lightroom was a scary thing for me.

The topics were:

Abundance and scarcity
In and out
Pattern and texture

(2 pictures for each topic)

There is a lot i could have done to make the images pop a little more using lightroom, but yeah...SOOC is hard!! lol I would love to use this as a learning opportunity and make adjustments to my tecnique.


Thank you for checking them out!! :-)
March 26th, 2012
yes, I checked your photos......they were nicely captured.......competition is always there in life.....dont worry......there are hundreds of competitions in the world....keep learning and you will see that you captured a shot which will be different....onr,,,,Jacqueline Reyna
March 26th, 2012
A competition is not the time to start experimenting, I feel. That's the time to use what you already know and then go for it. So, do what comes naturally and experiment afterwards to prepare you for your next competition. Good luck. :-)
March 26th, 2012
@pawar_ramesh Thanks, Ramesh.

@dmortega - I didn't really join the competition with aspirations of winning, I'm just trying to put myself in situations where i can push my limits. I guess i'm looking for critique from photographer's who have been at this for longer than i have and get some opinions/ideas on what to change to make an image better. Thank you!! :-)
March 26th, 2012
Congrats on accomplishing the photo challenge/competition. I'd be stress out too. I have a hard enough time coming up with a daily pic. I couldn't image coming up with 6 within 5 hours on three topics.
March 26th, 2012
@davetom Thanks :-) it was crazy stressful...12 images in 5 hours AND they had to be creative because they judge highly on creativity. I had a good hour where I just sat and stared into space hahahaha and drank a beer.
March 26th, 2012
i looked at your photos and I think you did a great job. No editing.....that would be hard, but you handled it nicely! good luck!
March 26th, 2012
I think you did well. Would have to see others to think if they were winners or not but sure had to be a fun challenge!
March 26th, 2012
well, I think you did a great job! I will mention that I am NOT a pattern/abstract/lines person, I don't shoot things like that, I don't particularly like photos like that BUT my fav photo of yours is the first one with the ball and lines... thanks :-)
March 26th, 2012
Beautiful pictures Jacqueline!
March 27th, 2012
I ended up checking out your stuff earlier anyway but I just saw this. super depressing that the one I commented on was blurry. My best is the afro-girl which I faved, and the spiky tree thingy, the chinese woman asleep on her zimmer and the hand getting a beer from the fridge. I wouldn't submit the blurry one, and the palm trunk does nothing for me personally but a really good set.
March 27th, 2012
@chewyteeth thank you very much for your comment! I submitted the blurry girl photo :-( Only good thing is that winning spot is for only one picture, doesn't matter which category. Thanks again!
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