Straight or tilted

May 11th, 2012
I am entering this shot into a photography competition. It has to have a iron/metal based theme.
Just after opinions on which one to enter, the straight or tilted.
I like the quirkiness of the tilt but being a competition it has to appeal to a large audience.
Thanks :)

May 11th, 2012
I like the colors of the tilt but prefer the straight. It just seems like a perfect shot to have that precise vertical line.
May 11th, 2012
I think I prefer the straight one, mostly because of the lack of telegraph pole :)
May 11th, 2012
I think I like the straight too, something great about the symmetry, for my eyes anyway!
May 11th, 2012
Both are good, but I think the tilted shot works better. The rail is more defined and I like that you can see both legs more clearly in that shot.
May 11th, 2012
definitely like the straight or second one best :)
May 11th, 2012
Okay. After much deliberation I prefer the straight one. I like the quirkiness of the off kilter one, but the light pole makes me think of you as a giant in a miniature city for some reason and every time I look at it I can't shake that feeling.
May 11th, 2012
i like the tilted colour better, but prefer the straight which is more eye pleasing.
May 11th, 2012
I like the telephone pole out of the image
May 11th, 2012
Straight...much more pleasing to the eye.
May 11th, 2012
straight w/o the pole. Good luck!
May 11th, 2012
I believe in giving an honest opinion when solicited. The tilt has a nicer color tone, but does have the telephone pole in it, which does not bother me personally, but if the pole is not straight, it will just make your photo look crooked when being judged.
The straight one looks a bit too processed with the light and color tones. It has a slightly more washed out feel to it and the trees do not really seem real at all.

Overall though, the edge of the trees in both photos are quite fuzzy and has a look of too much post processing which may be a bigger issue. I blew it up quite large to see if it was caused in the post processing, and it has a slight feel that it went one step too far.

So, I would almost think about re-editing with the pole out, tilt angle,keep the more natural tones, play with the contrast a hint and keep an eye on the trees.
May 11th, 2012
@katiebrenkert @bluebell @newbie @cromwell @tkeen @danacarruthers @batavia @trumpetman @veg66 thank you so much for the feedback :) I took the powerpole out of the first one, you can see it here
I prefer the colours of the first too, but know what you mean about following the line.
May 11th, 2012
Like the straight one too, but again prefer the colours of the tilt, and the quirkiness of it. I guess if it's for a competition probably should go with the straight one. Have fun with it!
May 11th, 2012
Tilted one gives a sense of movement but you may be criticized because of it. In any case, crop out the power pole.
May 11th, 2012
i prefer the straight line but only because in the titled one it feels to my eye that you are tiling too... i agree with the others that either way, it's better with the pole out of the shot... i also agree with @brumbe that the trees look a bit overdone and it seems unnecessary and distracting... especially in the straight one, it looks like you did some clone stamping around the tree on the right which is distracting as well... have you tried this with a shallower dof? and can you move up the shot so that the trees are further away? i'm wondering if this might help make the trees more naturally out of focus and so less distracting? good luck whatever you do... this is such an awesome concept!!!
May 11th, 2012
I prefer the bottom one- for the legs and the pole gone but I like the iron in the top one.
May 11th, 2012
I prefer the straight one - my eye is drawn to the lines - good luck with the competition :-)
May 11th, 2012
In ballet, the body must be perfectly straight and so my eye looks for the straight look. Who knows what the judges will want tho!
May 11th, 2012
Straight… no doubts about it.
May 11th, 2012
May 11th, 2012
@lindylou @georgews @jannkc @kellc @karenann @sugarmuser @dmariewms thank you so much for your opinions!

@northy @brumbe thanks for the honest, indepth responses. I have redone both pics from start to achieve a more natural look...I agree the trees where over processed. It is hard to reshoot. I found it hard getting everything right as it is a selfie and the camera is on the tracks. I set it up with a smaller aperture so don't know what happened?? Possibly my poor old camera lol)
May 11th, 2012
Both work well, which is why I think this is all on personal preference. I personally like the tilted shot myself.
May 11th, 2012
I like the straight shot. (and the editing/warmer tones of the tilted shot)
May 11th, 2012
I definitely prefer it straight! Good luck with the comp :)
May 11th, 2012
Lisa, I'm struggling with this... at first I thought straight, because it was in line with the discipline and balance of ballet (and you've removed the pole). But I have to tell you I prefer the tilted when I look again. If this is in fact an iron/metal based theme, the tilted offers pull by both the rail and the ballet slippered feet. In the straight shot, my eyes go immediately to the shoes and the rail seems secondary (a prop almost). Prefer colors in tilt as well.
May 11th, 2012
Thank you all so much for your invaluable opinions and feedback :)
Very much appreciated.
Changed a few things and am going to go with this one :)

Still love the tilt but I think this is better for the competition
Thank you
May 11th, 2012
@mummarazzii Good luck - just peeked and I like this one very much - your color change has brought back the strength of the rail.
May 11th, 2012
Good choice!
May 11th, 2012
I like the colors or the first one but like the straight one better! Good luck :)
May 11th, 2012
Yes! The flickr one is perfect!! (in my opinion :)
May 11th, 2012
I like the straight version. Hope you win! Awesome shot!
May 11th, 2012
I liked the last re-edited version. I think you incorporated the suggestions given above very well. Best of luck!
May 11th, 2012
I like the new version also. The sky is normal again! I like this picture because I used to walk my daughter over the train tracks to her ballet lessons :-) (of course she didn't wear her slippers). Good luck with the competition!
May 11th, 2012
I like the tilted one but without the pole.
May 11th, 2012
Straight ;)
May 11th, 2012
Have you tried it in B&W? Lots of textures there which usually make for a good b&w shot
May 11th, 2012
Love the reworked one!! Very cool good luck!
May 11th, 2012
I dont have time to read the above comments but I would say a big definite for straight and crop slightly from the left so it really is a perfect balance, not just the ballerina but the rail sleeper too. Good luck with the comp : )
May 11th, 2012
Here like this...
May 11th, 2012
Thank you again for all your responses, so please you like the one I picked :)
@38mm thanks Jase, I tried that but I felt the shoes kind of got lost in the track...I liked the contrast of the colours.
@lorraineb thanks Lorraine, I actually like the old building to the left but thanks for the suggestion.
May 11th, 2012
@mummarazzii I didnt even see that!! haha
May 11th, 2012
I much prefer the straightened one, but I liked the warmer tones of the original..
All the best for the comp!
May 11th, 2012
Really like the contest entry- very nice.
May 11th, 2012
May 11th, 2012
Thank you all so much for the comments, they have really helped :)
I am submitting this one
Straight one but warmer :)
May 11th, 2012
@mummarazzii - The warmer version looks like a winner. Good luck.
May 11th, 2012
I tend to follow the standard rule of thumb that says, if there is a distinct horizon line, then it must be straight. So the straight presentation in the second shot is the right approach. The warm tones of the first shot just need to be added to it!
May 11th, 2012
Well, seeing as you've already decided lol... nah, I love your choice and agreed with the above anyway. The colours are better too :) Fingers crossed for you!!!
May 12th, 2012
Yeah...I's a shame you lose the colours, but the straight one's better. The tilted one looks a little as if you've not given it thought - it's not quite tilted enough to appear deliberate, if you know what I mean. Good luck! xx
May 12th, 2012
Love the flicker/warmer shot and think it will most definitely be a winner! ♥
May 12th, 2012
I like the straighter one, in the tilted one I fear she's going to fall!
May 12th, 2012
I like the tilted one
May 12th, 2012
i like the tilted one but prefer the straight as the line and ballet shoe are straight too
May 12th, 2012
May 12th, 2012
I like how you edited the tilted one, but I like it straight!
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