Can I have some feedback please!

May 16th, 2012
here are a few photos, but please look at my others ones too and feel free to comment!!!

May 16th, 2012
one of my favorites
May 16th, 2012
I've seen through some of your pictures. You have nice colours, and sometimes you find really great subjects. You seem to be in love with vistas, and I know how difficult those can be to get perfect. (Forest vistas are my personal bane...)

In the pictures above, the sands/rocks have a washed out colour quality. This work better if they're not a major part of the picture; the contrast to the stronger colour elements in the picture gets to be too great, and hence the washed out quality.

If the light coming off the sands/rocks is strong, try another angle or focus. Picture 2 above does that best. The landscape seems very interesting; try to get up close to parts of it, and see what you find. Up close often gives you surprising cool captures.

Apart from that; love your horizons. ;-) You can crop the pictures to gain more focus on them.

Mind, your feelings for you pictures are what counts the most. If you disagree with me, that's quite ok. You do action shots fairly well, I think. :-)
May 16th, 2012
I appreciate all the feedback I can get :) the good comes with the bad and it's nice to have honestly.
May 16th, 2012
Great location. All 3 pictures seem over exposed though. Are you using your camera on Auto or manual? Nice to under expose them a bit, shoot wide open so you get some depth of field and your pics will come alive, especially the middle one. That driftwood in the foreground can be a fantastic subject.
May 16th, 2012
By wide open I mean the smallest F number you can get, like 3.5 or 1.8. Also try shooting in the evening or early morning. Midday sunlight is very harsh and not good to shoot in. Overcast days are also great.
May 16th, 2012
I like where you are going with these.

There are some key points when doing these types of shots.

1) Take them just after the sun has risen or and hour before the sun sets. Why??? You will get better colours and stop the washed out look.
2) Dont put the horizon right in the middle of the frame. Why??? People dont know if they should be looking at the sky or the ground. If you can not decide then I would suggest your subject is not strong enough and look for another shot.
3) Have a subject in the photo. The log in the photo would make a subject but it would need to be positioned a little better to create interest.

Keep up the good work
May 16th, 2012
@jes1526 Especially the one with the big branche I like for the composition. Also the colors are bright there.
But I also see you post more than once the same photo and last weeks you didn't even post a photo. Then IMHO it's not that strange you get not that many comments/followers. So I would advice, keep making good shots, post them, follow people and don't forget to have fun!
May 16th, 2012
@abhijit I have to disagree with you here. She should not be shooting landscapes at wide open apertures. When shooting landscapes she wants everything sharp and in focus. If you check her EXIF she shot these at f/10 which is pretty much what she should be going for. Plus if she shoots wide open it will be near impossible for her to underexpose as you say.

I would agree that the water and mountains looks pleasing, and the sand looks quite bright. As mentioned before, shooting earlier or later helps, but if you want to keep with this daylight landscape, start experimenting with HDR.

May 16th, 2012
As @djepie said, post your shots, look for people to follow and comment on their shots. You can look through the latest shots to find ones that you might like and then can follow them or you can look by day. I agree with the others, the sand it really bright and there is a lot of it. This is a learning experience for me and I have learned a lot from the different people that follow me and that I follow and from threads like this one.
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