I'm New & Need Advice On My Pictures And Improvement!

May 16th, 2012
I'm totally new at this and I've posted pictures that I find interesting to me and think will be to the rest of you. Maybe I'm posting to many of pictures of children or scenery, not sure if I'm suppose to just post pictures randomly or keep certain ones together?

If someone can look at my site and tell me if I'm doing the right thing or posting pictures that aren't really "up to this site" I would really like to know. If you have any suggestions of the ones that I've posted and how they can be done better, I would really appreciate it. I just take pictures of what I like and I only have a small 35 mm camera, with no fancy equipment.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Linda Torrence
May 17th, 2012
There is no minimum skill level here - everyone is welcome! A lot of people come here to learn, explore and have fun sharing :)

I'd consider myself to know quite a bit, but I find new things very regularly here that inspire or teach me something new!
May 17th, 2012
@granny7 Don't worry about what you shoot. If you love children and scenery, shoot children and scenery. Have fun, shoot what you love =)
May 17th, 2012
Welcome Linda! First of all, remember this is your journey and your project. You should do whatever brings you joy. I am a beginner as well. This is my first 365 project and I started it Jan. 1 2012. I think if you take a look at my project, you will see how i have progressed and grown in just 5 1/2 months I have learned so much from being a part of this site. The community here is so wonderful and helpful. I draw tons of inspiration from the pros on this site. My advice to you would be, do what make YOU happy and you will grow.
May 17th, 2012
As mentioned above....everyone is welcome. Read the getting started guide link on the bottom of the page. It contains this link but I thought I would include it here for you.

May 17th, 2012
My advice is and always will be: Just post what you think is good. If others agree they will follow you. I just viewed you album and think you're a wonderful photographer. Your photos are crisp, colorful and interesting. I'm now following you. :-)
May 17th, 2012
If you're having fun you are doing it right? If not,well then... You have some great photos! Welcome to 365!!
May 17th, 2012
I think your photos are beautiful and really tell a story. Take pictures of whatever you feel like and whatever you love! I'm now following!
May 17th, 2012
I checked out your site and found that you are only following one person ...if you really want some feedback i would start to follow more so you will have more followers to critique your work...This is your project you do anything you want to ..but if you want some comments i would start by following other peoples work that you are interested in or people that inspire you! Its easy and fun too!
May 17th, 2012
I agree with Ellen, if you want to get more feedback and have more involvement you need to follow people, their photos will come up on your home page. Comment on others and they will comment on yours. Find people in discussions or on the popular and New faces pages to follow
May 17th, 2012
Yes, I agree with Ellen too. I suggest you upload every day and don't worry too much about the 'perfect shot' All your shots so far are great, but few and far between!

May 17th, 2012
I have looked through your albums, and although I am very similar and do not have much experience or a fancy camera, I think your people shots are your best, because you can tell that the people mean a lot to you, and your lighting is great! Keep at it, and find some wonderful followers...

Good luck, and I will be sure to check out your album again!
May 17th, 2012
Hi Linda I love your photos - especially the portraits - if you portray what you love the feeling will show in your work - which it is - so looking forward to seeing more of your photos
May 17th, 2012
Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I'm not trying to not follow others, Lisa got me started as she's a friend and I started with looking at her pictures. That got me interested in this site. I will read more about this site, like ace suggested and others and start looking at others people's pictures, which I do and have commented. I just need to be their follower. I've been dog sitting since doing this, in addition to my back went out, so right now my time has been limited in doing a lot of things. I always look at the photo's that have been featured. I do upload everyday, more than one picture, have so many more great one's on slides that I am dying to post as they are very rare. Kitti, thanks for the comment on the portraits, as you can see, I love my 7 grandchildren, from 8 to 24 in age now.
May 17th, 2012
You upload everyday?
But you've only got a picture a month.
You're new?
But you've got pictures from Spring 2006?

I think you are putting in the date from whence your picture originates when it asks for a date - well it's really asking for the date in your project you would like to allocate it. It expects you to put your first picture, for instance, on the Monday the first of March, then your second picture, whether you took it in the 1940's you would allocate Tuesday, the second of March, and so on, until you reach the first of March the following year.
Also follow people, it's a community. If you don't want a community and just want to collect your pictures together you want www.flickr.com

Good luck. Your pictures are fine, you are scanning film in so you are in a minority as most people shoot digital. I think eventually people lose interest in your personal life and family, so in the future you might choose to shoot more from your local area and things with a wider interest.
May 18th, 2012
@chewyteeth I think she's referring to her point and shoot as a 35mm camera - if you look at her shots, they have EXIF.
May 18th, 2012
Thanks Dave, so now what do I do? Go and change the dates or what. I thought it meant when the picture was taken? I think I need to read the 365 guidelines before I post any more pictures and I do want to follow others, not just put mine on for other's to see. None of my pictures that I have posted are scanned in, they have been taken off my camera and directly into i-photo on my Mac, where I then edit them to get them to look their best. Thanks for the advice on the family, that's what I have so much of now. Some of the more interesting one's, like your referring to are on slides. Thats my next project, now that I have gotten some advice from here on how to convert them. I just have a 35 mm camera, nothing special, set on automatic.
May 18th, 2012
@granny7 @beautifulthing

It appears you don't have a 35mm camera - you have a digital. 35mm cameras wouldn't just go directly onto I-photo because they take a small roll of film which needs developing. 35mm is the frame size on the film. You just have a digital compact I think. I would say edit all the photos you took to sit together for last week or last month however much they fill, then post consecutively. Now thats not the rules - the rules are -there are no rules - just enjoy it, but for me a consecutive project is much easier to follow. Good luck.
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