Can you awesome people please.....

May 22nd, 2012
check out my photos and critique me? I feel like I have been doing much better since I first started, but I think sometimes I over-process..Any suggestions/constructive criticism would be much appreciated! TIA!
May 22nd, 2012
I just checked out your work! I think your very talented! I'm a guilty over processor so I cant be much help with that! ;o)
May 22nd, 2012
Love your work - just started following you :-)
May 22nd, 2012
What some people do with individual photos they would like to have critiqued is they tag them with "critique-me" so others who are willing to give critique can find them. Here are all of the ones that are tagged at the moment, over 2.8k of them :)

The best thing you can do is provide just a little guidance on the photo you would like critiqued; i.e. "I think this is a bit dark but I'm not sure what to do about that" or "this just seems to be out of balance to me, what do you think" or something like that.
May 22nd, 2012
You have some wonderful photos there so probably Aaron's suggestion is good. I'd say just keep going and you'll find your own favourites.
And don't be too self critical - the encouragement and support in this community is one of its strengths.
You might find it interesting to play with different frames that echo some colours /features of your photos too!
Anyway enjoy it!
May 22nd, 2012
@orangecrush @megsy @grizzlysghost @sarah19

Thanks for the sweet words, and Aaron, I'll definitely tag them from now on!
May 23rd, 2012
thanks to you I just got lost in the critique pages for ages. Its funny that people tag critique me on their best, I think they just want positive feedback!!
May 23rd, 2012
I like your work, its hard to critique a body of pictures, but I like your processing.
high- the farm pictures are super
low - your big graffitti tag spray painted all over every picture. Sorry but I hate huge distracting watermarks.
May 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth Haha, you're welcome, and you're probably right! :)
May 24th, 2012
@chewyteeth I stopped with the "graffiti" on my photos, I've had a few comments about it.
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