i need your opinion

June 18th, 2012
hey guys!!
i've been improving my photography and editing skills! but am not getting any feed back !! :S

Would you kindly give me your feedback on my project so that i can be better :)


here's the link on the blog

and on facebook


thanks in advance
June 18th, 2012
usually you find comments and critique by commenting and critiquing on others. you can also tag critique-me in your picture tags. Or enter the pictures into themes and discussions which are relevant
June 18th, 2012
@chewyteeth This tag thing is totally new to me :D i will do it from now on :)

i keep trying to criticizing others :).. maybe i should socialize more :)

Thank you so much for the advice :) i will tag my pictures now :)
June 18th, 2012
You've got some really great shots and some interesting and evocative perspectives, but as Dave said you need to follow to be followed.
I try to comment in a positive and supportive way on the work of each person I am following and a large majority of them reciprocate. The large variety of challenges and themes do give a great deal of impetus to the learning experience also - Dive in
June 18th, 2012
@kittikat Thanks so much!! .. will work on that ;)
June 18th, 2012
If you really want critiquing then you really need to put that in the description of the photo. People often won't notice it in the tags. When I want critique on a photo I title it something like

"Critique Me Please"

And then in the description some details about the shot / camera. For example

"So what would you do different and more important, why?

Things to note, I don't do Photoshop though I have Lightroom, it is a fixed 38mm lens, only 4 shutter speeds (30, 60, 125 and 250), aperture 2.8 through to 22. Bring it

Fujica Compact 35, Kodak Gold 200

Exposure : 250
Aperture : f/2.8
Pre-focus : 1 Metre "
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