I would welcome some comments and critiques on my photos please help.

July 19th, 2012
Hello! I am dar, and very much love taking photos!! I am trying to improve my knowledge and skills. I am new to learning about my camera and my photography.. I am not too sure if this is the right place to post this, but I am fairly new to posting pics here too. If I could learn from the others on here I would be very thankful.. I am adifferenteye. Thank you all in advance for you response and your help..

July 19th, 2012
Hi, you have some fab shots there, maybe some in which your ISO is set too high, but thats it, just follow more and more people and you'll be on to a winner!! : )
July 19th, 2012
I agree with @lorraineb about the noise in a couple of your shots but I really love your 'sunning frog' shot, it is outstanding.
July 19th, 2012
Welcome to 365! I just checked out your site and I love your photos so I've added you to my follow list. I'm no real expert but as far as I can tell, you're doing everything right and your shots have a certain artistic quality to them. Ask anyone....I love nature scenes, birds & flowers. One piece of advice is to comment on others shots that you follow whenever you can. But just follow as many as you can keep up with. Everyone is different but my comfort level is 80 -100.
July 19th, 2012
@hasselhotch Me too, i FAV'd that one : ) @adifferenteye
July 19th, 2012
you have taken some cracking shots! keep shooting and play with camera as much as possible read the manual and check out youtube for tutorials on things you try.I am no expert for sure but I can see how my shots have improved over my 6 month journey on 365.Follow people and ask questions and do post comments.but most of all keep snapping!
July 19th, 2012
follow fifty people, get fifty peoples comments and critiques, simples.
July 19th, 2012
Oh my goodness, thank you ALL so much. @lorraineb and @hasselhotch thank you. I have noticed the noise in pictures, thanks for the advice. I wondered how to help that. @cimes1 thank you so much. I will start to follow more folks and comment on photos. That way I will get to know people. @sueh thanks for the encouragement and the advice. thank you all for taking the time to reply and follow my photos!!

July 19th, 2012
OK, great advice @chewyteeth, thanks
July 19th, 2012
I've started following too (:
Like mentioned above, there is noise in some shots due to very high ISO setting. Take it down to 100 and the quality of your shots will improve a lot (:
July 19th, 2012
@darrenellis thank you! Which photos, so I may be able to see what you all are seeing. I am still learning about settings and how they affect the photos. :) A beginner at some of the terms, but reading much. thank you for following, I know I will learn much!!
July 19th, 2012
@adifferenteye You have some great photos. As other's have said, I love the frog the best. The one suggestion I would make when it comes to your flowers, is to try to determine what it is you like about the individual flower, and try to focus and isolate what makes that subject interesting to you. Some are very beautiful, but I feel if you got in closer and showed the detail, patterns, and textures (like you did with the frog) that would be even more beautiful
July 19th, 2012

in flight - iso 1600
ready for my picture - iso 1600
HUGE FLY!! - iso 800

My camera suffers from noise over about 400. If I shoot manual I try my hardest to keep my iso down and adjust other things first. For me, raising iso is a last resort especially in the day time.
July 19th, 2012
@darrenellis @jcarrollphoto GREAT thanks to the both of you. I will do both ideas you have suggested. On in flight, and many of my pics, could that be why I cannot get the clarity I am seeking. I also need to use a tripod. I usually do not use one, will this also help the clarity?
July 19th, 2012
You should notice the difference in clarity straight away. A tripod isn't always needed. Just a steady hand will do mostly but if you have time to set up and use a tripod then there is no reason why you shouldn't. Mine is always in the kitchen ready for me to shoot birds or the moon but I rarely take it out to the beach or countryside.
July 19th, 2012
That's wonderful news, thank you.
July 20th, 2012
You have a really nice "eye". I agree with all of the other comments about ISO. A tripod does help but is not necessary for a lot of shots. If you are interested in learning about your camera and getting some feedback on photos come join us on the CSC (camera setting challenge). We are on our 9th challenge and are working on white balance.

July 20th, 2012
@lstasel thank you for your observations and comments. I will and am interested in learning about my camera.. thanks for the info and the suggestion.. looking now at the challenge!! :)
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