Comments and Critique on my Flickr please?

July 27th, 2012
I'm looking to get some comments/critiques on my Flickr page. I've had it for a while and it doesn't get that much activity but I'd really like to develop and improve, and to do so I'd like some feedback, so I thought I'd ask all of you lovely people. Any comments are welcome and appreciated, either on the page or on this post. Thanks :)

My Flickr Page
July 27th, 2012
Thing with flickr is to participate in lots and lots groups, I think you would have more luck getting comments on those photos if you placed them here and kept 365 active, also it would require people to have a flickr account which I would say lots do but this is the cuddly community site were kittens purr and butter flies land on their little wet noses :P

Any way your Wildlife images are wonderful nice work :) and that show jumping one is a great action shot.
July 27th, 2012
@flagged --- hahahaha!!!! Yeah, but several times during the year someone stirs up trouble. ;-)
July 27th, 2012
As @flagged said, many here don't have flicker accounts. You haven't posted anything on this site in nearly a year. Post more here and let us have a look.
July 27th, 2012
@mizikei I must admit, I find flickr a bit too 'big' - I prefer it here!

Why not have a go at completing your 365?
July 27th, 2012
as @flagged says, you have to participate to get comments - follow people / make contacts, comment on their pictures, both here and on Flickr. Here you have to get involved in threads and competitions, on Flickr you have to join groups. You can't just put pictures up and hope someone is going to find you on a site that huge.
July 28th, 2012
I did complete the 365, but I got so swamped with starting uni that I have the backlog to sort through and upload. I keep thinking about coming back and doing a less strict project... we'll see :) Thanks for your comments guys.
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