How does my photo look?

August 14th, 2012
Please critique my photo!

be very truth full
August 14th, 2012
I actually really like it, it's just a little out of focus, but other than that i think it's cool!!! :)
August 14th, 2012
I like the perspective that you took it form. Nice job on focusing on the flower
August 14th, 2012
I like it, it looks 3d-ish
August 14th, 2012
Slightly out of focus and I think maybe a tighter crop? Gorgeous sunshiney flower!
August 14th, 2012
The flower looks lovely. The background is too contrasty for my taste. I'm just a novice though.
August 14th, 2012
I would tend to use a tighter crop and focus on the bloom, like Georgia OKeeffe stuff, but I actually like this pov. I love simple and clean. This makes me think that even "just a dandelion" smiles up at the sun, too. Great job!
August 14th, 2012
@tigervolleyball Yeah the more i looked at it i also noticed that it was a bit out of focus! thank you :)

@bkbinthecity Thank you!!

@jsilver Haha yeah! thank you!

@pennymilner Yeah! Haha thanks

@vase Thank you!

@kellyburke Yeah that would! Thank you!!
August 14th, 2012
I would try and make the flower stand out more from the background. Maybe make the background darker. Or do a vignette (darken the corners of the image); vignettes are known for guiding the viewers' eyes toward the subject of the image. The focus of the flowers of course; now how to do that! You may not have a tripod and also maybe there was a breeze so the flower was trembling, then it is hard to make the shutter fast enough to get a really sharp shot. Some point & shoot cameras have a "Macro" setting with a flower on it, which I think widens the aperture in order to throw the background more out of focus.
August 14th, 2012
The concept is great. :) I love the fact that the flower is so separate from the background, and the background has a nice creamy blur to it :) The colours are also really nice and vibrant :)

However as others have mentioned, the focus on the flower could be sharper. And I'd maybe play with colour balance/contrast a bit, to give the colours even more pop (the camera tends to wash out the colours we see!)

August 14th, 2012
@bonniebouman Thank you for your photography words of wisdom :) I do know about the macro setting! and right when i heard the click that i took the picture i ran to my car because we were leaving witch it helps if you take a picture and hold it for a minute!

@pocketmouse Thank you! Yeah totally thank you so much!!
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