First Attempt at Street Photography

August 19th, 2012
Hi All,

I was chatting on here recently about street photography and whether it's something I'm comfortable doing, I ultimately decided I'm not. However, I had the opportunity for a photo today that I couldn't resist. It was a very quick snap shot as even though it was taken at distance I didn't want the kids to spot me! Anyway, I thought I would share my first proper street photography shot, it counts, doesn't it?!

I'd love to know what people think, I used the dark black and white as I felt it showed the old building more but also gave a little more anonymity to the kids in the shot.

August 19th, 2012
August 19th, 2012
@shirljess Thank you!
August 19th, 2012
I'm with you..I don't like doing street. I'd rather my heart be pounding from holding my breath doing macro than from fear that I was going to be caught! I think this is an awesome shot! Perfect processing for the scene and impressive for a quick snap!
August 19th, 2012
I have to say I like it - it has a dark, edgy feeling to it and if this is your first attempt keep going - can't wait to see more. :-)
August 19th, 2012
@shutterbugger @megsy Thank you both so much (I am actively blushing here!)
August 19th, 2012
Nicely done!
August 19th, 2012
@paulavdmerwe Thanks, I'm really happy with this photo and it's lovely to get such great feedback on it.
August 19th, 2012
great shot. you captured the essense of youth and their bravado. i know how you feel. i have a lot of sneak shots and i debate with myself whether i'd post them or not, especially if there are children in the shot. in yours, only two faces are in full view but one needs to view this large to recognize those two faces, unless they know the place and the people who frequent it.
August 19th, 2012
@summerfield Thanks, it's hard taking photos with children in and I usually only use pictures of mine or my friends kids. Mostly I hope if they did see this they'd think it was a pretty cool shot of them!
August 19th, 2012
@scuffer great shoot
August 19th, 2012
Like it. You should try some more!
August 20th, 2012
it's super cool, nice work!!
August 20th, 2012
@heathen25 @rich57 @gracej Thank you, I would quite like to try some more, I'd like some skate park kids but I'd ask them first.
August 24th, 2012
I think its a great shot, Street photography is a wonderful subject, there is so much that passes by that we see but never really look at Street photography forces us to notice the unnoticed moments in life. Kepp going, you willl be amazed at what you see once you have downloaded your pics and actually look at them, there is design in everything. Its my favourite
September 7th, 2012
A beautiful shot, especially for a quick snap. Well done!
September 8th, 2012
@loxy @aerich86 Thanks both, I haven't done any more yet but I might try.
September 24th, 2012
great job well done i think the black an white, the contrasting elements, and the people make for a great shot
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