Kicking it off... First critique requested - yellow roses

January 28th, 2010
Hi all,
Thanks for the great new critique feature! I'll kick off if nobody minds ;-)

I have recently posted my yellow roses photo. I like the contrasting colors, pretty happy with the details, but I myself feel it could have had more of an impact. And I'm interested in hearing your suggestions in what kind of changes you'd have made when making a photo like this. I may even get a new bunch of roses and try them out ;-)

January 28th, 2010
Hmm this is a tough one cause there are so many good things about this photo but if I wanted to improve on it I would try a few things.

I would try to make the roses in the center look at the camera rather than straight up or away from it, its leading the eye away from the photo. Also I like the detail in the roses up front but the ones on the side and towards the back are getting a little soft. maybe a smaller aperture would make this photo crisp from corner to corner an really pop the roses.

The vignette on the sides does help to redirect the eye and give some boundaries but it also softens the photo. I don't think its needed if the roses are razor sharp and might give a cleaner appearance.
January 28th, 2010
I like the contrast of the blue and yellow. However, the composition is lacking, and to make up for it, you substituted the vignette. Experiment with compositions other than having the roses right in the center of the frame, and remove the vignetting...vignetting is something that only works with a certain type of photo, and I don't think you need it in this case.
January 28th, 2010
I really like the contrast as well.. it makes the colors and the roses really pop out at you. I would try a different perspective honestly.. maybe take the photo from the top.. looking down on the roses .. or slightly at an angle. I like the center framing of the roses but it really does leave something to be desired.. a possible angle change would also bring different texture into the shot.

Also agree about the vignetting.. I don't think it is necessary for this type of photograph .. though I might play around with it again if you shoot from a different angle.
January 28th, 2010
How about looking at the roses from a different angle, like shooting from the top and focusing on only one rose or just a couple roses but make sure to capture the entire bouquet. Some of the petals on the roses are opening and if you focus your shot looking down on the roses you could really enhance their beauty. If you are thinking of trying this type of shot again, try walking around the roses and take multiple shots. You will surely find an angle that works!
January 28th, 2010
Heather, your post was not there when I started and when I submitted my post, BOOM, it is like you read my mind!
January 28th, 2010
So far many welcome and useful comments, thanks for that, I'm going to take them to heart. I like the ideas of working with the angle and paying attention to position and orientation of the individual roses to be more directed at the camera.
Thanks for this, and if anyone else has something to contribute, be my guest, I really appreciate it.

Feels to me the Critique function suggested by people and made available by Ross is really helpful!
January 28th, 2010
nice photo
to me it's a little oversaturated
and the comp needs to be worked on
try picking just part of the group of flowers to focus on
and a centered shot in photography is pretty much a no no
generally the eye wants to fall on the right corner
or just something uncentered would add a lot
i like the vignette effect here
nice shot, keep it up!
January 28th, 2010
I agree.. seems like the critique group will be a really positive thing! And.. Johnna.. we must have been tapping into each others brains at the same moment :)
January 29th, 2010
I like the blue background with the color of the roses, but I have to agree with Sarah that it looks a little too oversaturated. I'd also try a few different crops. Did you try any macro shots? I usually like to get a couple of those with flowers. Experiment with angles. I, too, am looking forward to the critique section...I think we all can improve our skills!
July 5th, 2010
Very nice shot. But I am new also and dont know much yet about anything.. I think you might do the same thing I do. I try to put to much color in everything and not focus on the small details. I suppose that is just a learning process for me. Not sure if that helps or not. It did make me stop and take another look at my own work and try to figure it out better. Good luck.
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