Lightening pictures - need a 'how to'

August 26th, 2010
I was trying, very unsuccessfully, to take pictures of lightening last night. Does anyone have any tips n tricks on how to get good lightening shots?

This was what I got last night... it was sheet lightening, not the jagged style, but I'm looking for help with any style!

August 26th, 2010
i am sorry i do not have your answer, but i do like the photo a lot! it is very dramatic! good luck anyway!
August 26th, 2010
google will tell you. no doubt a low ISO and long shutter speed would do the trick.
August 26th, 2010
I really like this shot, it is very dramatic.
But if you want the more vivid lightning shots there are a couple of things you can do. If it is dark enough, I have had success pointing the camera in the direction where the lightning is striking and using the bulb feature, Just hold the trigger down until lightning strikes.
If it is lighter, earlier in the day, I had pretty good success with putting the camera in continues shooting mode and doing pretty much the same thing with a shorter shutter speed. You have to have a pretty big memory and be willing to take a ton of garbage shots, but it works pretty well.
This one was taken like that.
August 27th, 2010
Rather than try to explain it myself I;m just gonna point to you to a site with some very good tips.
August 29th, 2010
Thanks everyone! Really helpful info
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