Mountain Photography, little help?

December 9th, 2012
I am still a beginner in the photography world and I'm looking for tips to make my photos better So,my latest upload was a photo of a mountain that I took,with no editing at all, how do you think? Is there any technique to photograph a mountain better?
December 9th, 2012
Hi there. I think this looks really good. I so see a couple dust marks on your sensor to the left side. You can either clean it (google search it) or heal them out in some application like photoshop or gimp. I think this mountain would look stunning at either sunset or sunrise (depending on how the light hits it). Your aperture is fine but you could probably experiment with F/16 or f/22. You may see additional specks @ f/22 + It's difficult to say exactly how what would make it better without being there to see the different perspectives.
You're doing really good so keep it up. I wish I started photography @ your age. Best of luck...
December 9th, 2012
@brianl Your critique is much appreciated,Thanks for the support! One more thing, is there any recommendations for cleaning the dust marks? What's the tools that I need?
December 9th, 2012
@osophotography well all sorts of methods exist to clean the sensor. I would try these two methods first:
1) typically the dslr has a cleaning mode. It sometimes works...sometimes. It's worth a try and it will not cost you a cent. It's probably in your manual. Try this first.
2) Use a dust blower. If you do not have here's a really good one: The blower also can be used to get rid of dust off lenses too. Essentially you take your lens off (lock your mirror up/power down first), point the camera down like your taking a shot of the floor and use the dust blower to hopefully remove the dust. If this doesn't work then you have to consider getting more advanced kits for cleaning or taking your camera to a shop. I decided to learn this as I often switch out lens a lot. It would be too expensive for me to always take it to a shop for cleaning.

Here's a post that looks like a worth while read:

Here's a post about cleaning sensors I did a while back on this site.

BTW, to test if it worked, set your camera to f/22 and take a picture of the blue sky (or a plain wall). It doesn't necessarily have to be in focus either. I sometimes over expose the shot to help me see spots. Review on a monitor if possible. Don't get to carried away about having a perfect sensor with no dust specs. If I can get 98 or 99% of the big spots off I'm happy.

December 9th, 2012
@brianl okay,I will try to use the sensor cleaning on the camera. Thankd do much for your help! Just got yourself a new follower
December 9th, 2012
I can't help you but I'm glad I read this cos that post regarding cleaning sensors... is EXACTLY the one I was looking for a while back cos I need to do more than a dust clean on my sensor... thanks Brian!! @brianl
December 9th, 2012
@ozziehoffy glad the post helped!
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