Hi! Newbie to the 365 Project!

January 2nd, 2013
I made a resolution for New Year that I'd join this great project and try my hardest to stick to it!
I just made this discussion to say Hi and that I'd be grateful if you'd have a look at the photo's I've uploaded already!
Thank you :-)

January 2nd, 2013
hi, fellow newbie! :)
January 2nd, 2013
hi! Nice to meet you! :-)
January 2nd, 2013
Welcome! I am on my way to look at your photos. Hope you get a lot out of this site and I guarantee you will meet some awesome people!
January 2nd, 2013
Hi! I also hope that this will benefit me, and above all I'm sure it'll be fun! :-)
January 2nd, 2013
Hi Chloe!
On my way to see your photos now :)
January 2nd, 2013
I've made the same resolution for this year! On my way to look at your photos :)
January 2nd, 2013
Hey! :)
January 2nd, 2013
lovely to meet you all! :)
January 2nd, 2013
Hi! I'm new too and very excited to see where this year long project may lead! I've only got onephoto up so far. I'll put a bio up todayy. I'm a smartphone camera girl... Wonder who else is camera phone-only.

Also curious how to meet people here to follow and to hopefully follow back. Is it mostly through interacting on these boards? I sure wish there was an app!

Happy New Year, yall!
January 2nd, 2013
Hi I thought this would,be a fun way to document my year. I am only taking photos on my smart phone too
January 2nd, 2013
starting up mine too! but this is my third time, so I am going to try my hardest to push through,
January 2nd, 2013
Hi! I´m new on this site. Started yesterday with the project. I havn´t had so much time to take pictures in 2012 and hope that this site may give me some motivation back. My name is Marie and I´m a 15 year old girl from Norway. I take my pictures with my NIKON D90 :)
January 2nd, 2013
Hi, I'm new here too! It looks like you have a great start with the 2 photos I've seen! I'm sure all my photos will come from my samsung stratosphere phone lol I'll follow you :)
January 2nd, 2013
Just started with this site im very happy with what i see. I hope to get some pointers tips and good advice from veteren photographers as im passionate and wish to progress. I use a canon 1100 and a canon 35mm im hoping to invest in another camera this year so i will let you know how it goes. My aim is to become professional but i like it so much i have no idea which area to choose.
January 2nd, 2013
@fallingleavesphotography Chloe, welcome to the 365 community - you are going to love it! . . .please come and stop by the "Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else" discussion thread posted every Friday. It's a wonderful way to share and see some of the most wonderful sights here on 365!
January 2nd, 2013
new too! hi, chloe. looking forward to it, and have already been trawling through peoples photos to see what settings have been used to take them. i hope to learn a lot. this is the year i will start using my camera properly! :-)
January 2nd, 2013
im new too :) goodluck, fingers crossed we all stick to it x
January 2nd, 2013
I am also new in this world :) I am glad that there is quite a lot of enthusiasts :) looking forward to the pictures :)
regards from Ljubljana to all and an amazing new year 2013 :)
January 2nd, 2013
Hi, I am another newbie. I'm from Glasgow and my main camera is a Canon 650D. I only got it two months ago and its my first DSLR so I will be taking what are probably quite boring photos at first while I get use to the settings. I am hoping to go to Cuba soon so my photos will get more interesting I promise!
January 2nd, 2013
nice to meet all of you! :D
January 2nd, 2013
Hello everyone! :) I am also really looking forward to this 365 project!! Everyone on the site already seems so friendly and welcoming. I'm hoping to improve my photography along the way and get more creative with my photos! :)
January 2nd, 2013
@mielie @louisesouter Marie i don't know anyone form Norway and Lousie I don't know anyone from Glasgow. So looking forward to viewing your photos - Anthony
January 2nd, 2013
I am a newbie as well. I am excited!
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