tell me what you think, pleaaaaase?!(:

January 5th, 2013
Hey everyone. Could you guys tell me what you think of this photo of me? i edited it with some blue and rustic effects. (:
January 5th, 2013
Jennifer, I might suggest also looking into Ugly Hedghog website. it is free. They have many forms and one of the forms is for getting critiques on images. It is a good group of people on UHH.
January 5th, 2013
I quite like the idea of what you were trying for, but its all a bit to unbalanced for me. As in you only really notice the left hand side of the shot. Maybe also if you was looking either left or right that might add a little more. Keep playing around with different idea's, there is no right or wrongs. Apart from me, I'm always right ;)
January 5th, 2013
Hi Jennifer,
Keep experimenting and don't be afraid to keep coming back to an image and trying something new with it. Just because we have posted to 365 project does not mean it is the end of that image. Remembmer, the most important thing is that all of our images are subjective - what appeals to one person may not necessarily appeal to someone else.
Patricia Griffin
January 5th, 2013
I love the processing! If I had to critique it at all I'd say you don't need the reflection. But - photography is an art, and art is a pretty personal thing so I think if you like it, do it!!
January 5th, 2013
@jase_h I agree with Jase.. It is unbalanced. There is more space on the right hand side than the left.

If you are going to do a mirror image try and have it and exact mirror it it will take away from the photo.

Other than that I like the photo. well done and keep it up.
January 5th, 2013
My first thought was that it needs a bit cropping off the right side to make it more symmetrical, other than that I really like it, the processing is great.
January 5th, 2013
I think I would prefer it symmetrical too, but I really love the processing...very unique. And gorgeous eyes!!!
January 5th, 2013
I like the blue cast to the left side, but the whole right side is very distracting. I understand you were going for a "mirror image" shot, but maybe try cropping out all that blank blue space on the right side? Or a different edit so the right side doesn't "fade out" as much? (Hope that made sense...)
January 6th, 2013
I love the mysterious and "fading" look on the right side. Like an old negative from a film camera. Beautiful.
January 6th, 2013
I agree with the comments about symmetry.. you can tag your photo 'critique-me' if you're looking for feedback on a particular photo :)
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