Beginner looking for some critiques! :)

September 10th, 2010
I'm new at photographing, so I'd like some good ideas of how I should take photographies.

This is the most recent picture I've taken.
September 10th, 2010
Rolando, One of the best things you can do is to keep taking photographs. What kind of camera do you have? If it is one that you can adjust settings? If it is, try taking it off the automatic setting and play with the settings. Follow different indiviuals on 365, especially the ones that post photos of interest to you. If you look to the right of the posted photo, you can click on "Other Details" and then you can check out the setting that was used for that specific photo. Go on-line and check out the various sites that offer tips on photography. Perhaps there is a local photographer that lives nearby that would be willing to give you some tips on taking photos. These are all things that you can do, but the most important thing to do is to take as many photos as possible. Practice, practice, practice. As in the photo you posted today, the lighting is a bit too bright for the one rooster. Perhaps repositioning the candle or the roosters would have distributed the light a little more evenly. I am not experienced at still life photos,and with existing light like this. Others will be able to share some tips with you. But I think the key is to take a lot of photos of the same thing using different settings, then you can look at them to see which one provides the best image. Check out the web. There are many sites that can help you. The more photos yopu take, the more you will learn. Have fun with it, and be open to feedback.
September 10th, 2010
Hello Rick,

The camera I have is a Nikon Coolpix S210, it's a digital one, thing is I have never used a camera for more than, you know, just taking pictures. I mean, I've never tried to use it's tools, like the ISO and that stuff. I guess I'll have to check out the manual. Hehe

Also, I've realised I actually like those pictures with vivid colours, and those unexpected moments that deserve a picture (for example, the cart breaking down).

I appreciate that you took your time for replying me.

Thanks a lot!

Hope to hear from you soon,

September 10th, 2010
Rolando, I am definately a novice who is also learning as I go. But, in my opinion you have the best things going for you already, and that is the thirst for more knowledge and the wisdom to seek it. I cut my teeth on film cameras, and love the process involved in watching my creation jump out of the developing pan. Of course, the downside is the waiting to see what you captured. But, the awesome thing about digital cameras is the instant results and the fact that you can snap away and experiment and learn as you are shooting. So as Rick said, practice, practice, practice. Try new things and vary settings, positions, and lighting. What helps me alot is to study the photos of others, and to try to vision what makes the photo great, good, or just ok. I really like the shots I have seen from you so far. You are not alone, I am learning with you, and I believe this is a great place to learn. -Stephen

September 10th, 2010
I think the lighting in the above shot is quite nice...

But anyway, before you go out and buy a fancy camera with all the bells and whistles, develop your eye for a photo first. I've seen some excellent work on here from people who mainly use just point & shoot cameras. Look for interesting light (like your shot above), look for unusual perspectives and angles, interesting depth, and learn about the rule of thirds (Google it).

Hope this helps.
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