feedback please

April 7th, 2013
HI there, I'm really enjoying being part of the 365 project as this is a new venture for me. I've attempted a couple of the weekly blog themes (though could never see my photos amongst all the others!)
Anyhow I would really appreciate some feedback on my photos and especially ideas for keeping things fresh.
many thanks everyone
April 7th, 2013
Hi Trudi! I left a message on your most recent photo for your diptych entry. Also, you will get more attention and feedback if you update your profile picture. Do this by selecting "You" at the top of your page, then selecting "Settings" then selecting "Picture". Also, start looking around and picking some photos you really like and adding them to your favorites list. When you show Zero favorites, it tells people you aren't interested in anything else that's going on. All-in-all you have some great images and a pretty good start to 365!
April 7th, 2013
thanks Aaron that's really good advice!
April 7th, 2013
Hi Trudi @trudio
Had a quick look, your shots are really good and certainly deserve more attention! I think folk can go through the 365 experience virtually unnoticed because nobody knows they are there... if I were you I'd pick some people to follow whose shots interest you (perhaps from a different area?) and definitely join in with themes and challenges (tagging them in the section so others can see them when they are browsing). Many folk will swap a comment for a comment, or a follow for a follow, so it's true to say the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Final idea, put in a bit of information about yourself and a shot you like (hey that was quick!!) so that folk can get a feel of who you are and where you're from, kind of like an introduction :)
Oh - and when you reply to a comment hit the 'reply' button then the person will get a notification that there's a reply waiting for them to read.
Enjoy your 365ing and enjoy your photography! :)
April 7th, 2013
Introducing yourself in your profile will help too :)
April 7th, 2013
@filsie65 thank you so much for taking the time to look at my photos and for the positive feedback it's very kind of you. Will get onto the profile bit right away!
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