Hi there, I'm fairly new , Please Critique me.

April 13th, 2013
I'm fairly new and only have a few followers...I don't really know how the site works yet, so thought ,either, I'm doing something wrong, or my shots are really bad, I'm wondering if people could please critique me, and if you have time please check some of my other shots... I use 2 Cameras, a Nikon D3200 and a Sony HX200V... I will happily add anyone who adds or critiques me... Appreciated....
April 13th, 2013
April 13th, 2013
If you're looking for technical advice, or an opinion, good or bad, you can tag your photos 'critique-me'

If you're just wanting followers or comments, you need to get involved. Give a little to get back. Follow others, comment on shots, take part in competitions and themes.

There's a getting started guide here if this help :)
April 13th, 2013
I agree with Amy @amyamoeba the best way to get followers and people to critique your shots is to get involved. Check out other people's projects, leave comments and find people to follow. In this way others will look at your project, comment and follow back.
Welcome to 365 and remember it is your project so have some fun!
April 13th, 2013
nice shot mate
April 13th, 2013
Welcome I have been doing 365 for approx a month. Best way is to look at pictures taken and then follow the creator. Most people will follow you if you follow them . Try it and see. Greats shot of the gulls
April 13th, 2013
I completely understand where you are at with this. I comment on other peoples photos. I try and join in on themes and competitions and threads when I can, and I still only have a handful of followers, views, and even fewer comments. I'm a bit of frustrated with it all, and wish I could get more feedback. I have not tried the 'critique-me' tag yet, so maybe I will give that a whirl.
April 13th, 2013
@hoosierflygirl I agree with you Shelley,i can sit here for an hour or more commenting and thanking people and only get a handful of comments back some people don't even thank you.In the end i don't even worry about it as long as i post a picture a day and iam happy with my pictures i don't really care.
April 13th, 2013
@mitchell50 I'm glad I'm not the only one. I tell myself that just about every day... But recently that makes me feel like maybe I should just do something on flickr and invite my friends and family that look at my stuff do just go on there. Today has definitely given me a fresh burst of hope that it's not just me, and my pictures aren't bad just because they go un-noticed. You have some amazing pictures that have gone under the radar and feel the way I do, so maybe I'm not so bad (and with more studying and practice I can keep getting better). Thank you and thanks @yahndarkwood for saying what I have been feeling for awhile!!!
April 13th, 2013
For small camera I have a Sony HX5V.
April 13th, 2013
@mitchell50 dont be disheartened at not getting thanked - as you follow more people it comes to a choice between thanking and commenting on others photos so the best thing is to thank all in your posting blurb with each day's shots and if it is necessary (questions, conversations) in the comments but generally I would rather look at some one elses work and comment to them than thank each person individually. That said not everyone you follow will follow you but you will develop a "core" who you enjoy and who appreciate your work. I reached the point where I spent 8 hours on my day off viewing and commenting (a lot of thanking) and my getting out and photographing spiralled down the drain - now I do it in order - post my pics with a general thank you - view and comment- if I"ve got something to say - then I go looking for people I haven't discovered yet - just found you, @hoosierflygirl , and @yahndarkwood and this is feeding my inspiration instead of draining it. Please hang in there - I've just glanced at all three of your projects and I have much to learn from you guys.
April 13th, 2013
@kittikat Thank you Kitti that was very nice of you to say.
April 13th, 2013
@hoosierflygirl @mitchell50

I sincerely hope neither of you take this the wrong way, but I have learned you only get out of this site what you put in. Both of you are following less than 40 people and only a handful of fav's..you can't expect comments / follows if you're not giving a little more.

I try to comment every day, on stacks of photos, as many as my eyes can humanly view. I'll stalk the latest boards constantly, and I always try and view every page of the 'by day' tab. If I have a few days of not doing that my interaction within the site totally drops off.

Follow people whose work you love, build relationships, get to know folk and what they're about, learn about people's lives.

Ask yourself, do you want feedback, or you do want praise? Everyone wants to be told their photos are beautiful, but in the past when I've tried to say "maybe try this, or that" I've mostly been shot down with "well I like it like that"

I do believe, however, that there is a 365 critique group on Flickr for those brave enough to try it out http://www.flickr.com/groups/365_critique_club/

I've also seen a lot of people critique through the 'critique-me' tag, but be ready for what you get.

@hoosierflygirl - if you feel unnoticed, make yourself noticed. I've tried Flickr, and it's a much bigger place which requires a level of input which I could not keep up with. There was no community feel there for me. Set up a group if you wish to showcase your images, but I've found the posting images to family and friends, whilst it gets a reaction of "ah that's nice", I don't value it as much, 'cos, you know, it's your Mum, and it's law that Mums have to like everything.

@mitchell50 Personally, I don't say thankyou, but instead opt to write it in commentary the following days, so don't be disheartened.

I spent most of my first year not getting as involved as I do now, and barr a handful of shots, most of my photographs got less than 10 comments.

I'm very lucky. I've built up some fabulous relationships with good people on this site, who are kind even if my shots are mediocre at best, and now I can see how much of a difference putting more in makes.

Ramble over :P
April 13th, 2013
@amyamoeba Thank you Amy your input is very appreciated.it makes a lot of sense.It is a tuff one, even thou its nice when people say its a nice photo,great capture ect ect but what do we learn from that ?than on the other hand its horrible when you think you put a good photo up and someone rips it to pieces,
April 13th, 2013
@yahndarkwood Welcome to 365. You have gotten good advice here.

@hoosierflygirl @mitchell50 @amyamoeba

Amy has given really good advice. The only thing I would add is that when I have limited time (which is often), I start off my commenting with people who were kind enough to stop by my album. I answer questions people ask in commenting on my pictures, but I don't say thank you to individual comments. Instead I put my thank you in my daily post. I rather spend my time to comment on their pictures.
April 13th, 2013
You have really nice photos < 3
April 14th, 2013
@marinasdiamonds @nadaa @mitchell50 @amyamoeba @mitchell50 @kittikat @chapjohn @hoosierflygirl @padlock @justjim @salza

Thanks for all the help.. I am now following you all... I get very little time each day, but will try my best to comment on some of your photos......I am interested in Historical Events and Myths so hopefully you will start to see some of my Steampunk,Larping, WWII Reenactment, Art deco and other images start coming through... Til the season though it will probably be a lot about things I see at the local beach.... Where I live in New Zealand, I can walk to 7 beaches, so yeah, lots of seagulls... I wish I could bring you photos with the smell of the salt air.
April 14th, 2013
With this one it was a lot lighter I thought when i uploaded it, so was surprised now that i see it is so dark.. Are you allowed to delete and reupload them?
April 14th, 2013
@yahndarkwood You can but if you delete the picture, you also delete all the comments on it. If you have an ace membership, you can edit it in PicMonkey without impacting that.
April 14th, 2013
@kittikat thank you so much!
May 4th, 2013
@hoosierflygirl There - you have another follower!
May 4th, 2013
@kittikat @hoosierflygirl I prioritize checking out and commenting on all my followers first, then I go through the comments I got and try to acknowledge each because people took the time to give me feedback. However, I've been keeping the people I follow to a manageable number, otherwise, as Kitt said, things would get out of control and it wouldn't be fun anymore. I work full time, so don't have hours and hours to comment. I guess you just do what feels right.
May 4th, 2013
Don't know how people who follow 'thousands' of members can possibly view/comment on anyone else. It seems like a strategy to get lots of followers and therefore increase chances to get fav's leading to PP, NF exposure.
May 4th, 2013
@yahndarkwood well Yahn, you have to find your style what do you like to take a picture of, abstract objects, portriats (sorry for the spelling), selfies, landscape and do that, and you have one more follower
May 4th, 2013
@twistergirl @cwebb Thankyou Ladies, I shall follow you back, been out of town a fair bit so i have lots of catching up to do.. Luckily i've been taking photos... My favourite subject matter atm is Fantasy events, costumes etc, and old Black and white style.... But I love photography so finding a real niche could take a while.
May 4th, 2013
and also i think your photos are great

this one is my favorite
May 6th, 2013
''Hi, I'm fairly new , Please Critique me'' http://365project.org/mshashim/365
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