Help Me Out, I am a beginner!

May 9th, 2013
Hey Guys, I have just started pursuing a photography career in my community. I was wondering if you could look through some of my pictures and tell me what I need to improve. I would like you to be as critical as you can be, but in a helpful way. Anything would help me at this point.
Thanks for taking the time!
- Daniel Smits
May 9th, 2013
For a career in photography check out all the weeks of Top 20 shots on here. Your shots need to be things that people will purchase in the end.

May 9th, 2013
@sailingmusic Thank you for the advice, I did not know that there was a "Top 20"...
May 10th, 2013
I noticed that you are new to the 365 project. There is a guide to making this project successful. This might be helpful to you. I can't find this guide right now. I am hurried and you know how looking for something goes when you are hurried. You can tag your photos: critique-me. You can ask for specific critiques when you post your daily photos. Welcome to 365!
May 10th, 2013
@daisy Thanks a ton!
May 10th, 2013
Welcome to 365. This is the getting started guide, there is lots of helpful information here
May 10th, 2013
To find the getting started guide scroll down to the bottom of the page. I'd suggest looking at topics, discussions etc. on this site and reading others comments - not just on your photos but on other people's too. There's also
the browse button.
May 10th, 2013
@onie @annemary Thank you a ton!!!
May 10th, 2013
@dansmitsphoto I looked at your photo's. The one thing that kept showing up was your use of light. Always ask yourself, is this best way to light the subject? Always be a lert to the direction of the light, resist using flash. There is the quality of light as well as the quantity of light that most be considered for each shot. Study light.
May 10th, 2013
Welcome to 365!! We are a fun bunch in this online community and we always would like to help when the need arises. :DD Thanks for asking for critiques, that's the first way to knowing and learning.

For starters, if you would like to develop a long-term career in photography, I believe that you must have that signature style, an identity that is unique to you. I noticed that you might still be at the process of finding what you really want to take photos of what with the variety of styles that you currently have, and that is just fine. In time, you will find that style that you will call your own. A photographer's artistic identity is what will veer you to success.

As for your shots so far, I noticed that you like shots that involves a lot of light. Try to take photos of the same subject from a variety of angles and try with and without flash. That's just it for now. I am now following your page and you can be rest assured that I could give you some pointers when I feel that the need arises. Enjoy! :D
May 10th, 2013
Great shots and good look. Currently reading a book called the practice of contemplative photography . It is very thought provoking about how we take a shot which may help you create something your prospects can get elsewhere. Good luck
May 10th, 2013
Try everything. At least twice.
Find images you like. Emulate them.
Learn what everything on your camera does.
Have fun. Always.

At least that was the advice I was given when I first picked up a camera, a year ago now. Seemed sensible to me at the time. Still does. And I'm still working on it. Turns out there is a lot of things to try. And a lot of fun to be had :D

> resist using flash.
:lol: Or embrace it.

May 10th, 2013
@intymalcolm If a person always uses flash they will never be aware of all the light and what color or the temperture of light. If a person is going to set the flash to get a desired result, knowing light is essential.
May 12th, 2013
@chapjohn I will definitely keep that in mind, even though I haven't used it yet! Thank you for all of your advice!
May 12th, 2013
@intymalcolm This will be going down as some of the best photography advice I have heard so far.
May 12th, 2013
@padlock @intymalcolm @chapjohn You guys are all amazing, this is truly the best and most helpful advice I have ever received!
May 12th, 2013
@chapjohn Well, except for fill-in...
May 13th, 2013
@chapjohn @dansmitsphoto "If a person always uses flash they will never be aware of all the light and what color or the temperture of light" - I actually agree with Daniel here. Thats a pretty wide sweeping statement there and it doesnt really account for the people that like to balance natural and artificial light.

I know people who use flash all the time - well lets say 99% of the time... even if its direct sunlight, they have a preference to use flash for fill in just to bring back some of the features and not get total blow out.

I personally come from a studio / artificial light background and certainly use artificial more than natural but i'm starting to balance light.

This image below uses total natural light but required alot of post processing just to bring out the features in the shadows that i needed. If i'd had an assistant on the day (or more space to set up the tripod and speedlight) then i'd have been able to get the image right at time of capture instead of spending time lightening, bringing back the darks, colour correcting etc

Perhaps it could be argued that understanding of light would have kept me waitng for another half hour or hour to wait until it was in sunset - but then I wouldnt have gotten the same backlight as here...
May 13th, 2013
I realised that i didnt actually answer your question here... I agree with @intymalcolm ... you have to try every thing out... see how it looks, then try it again. Find out the rules - break them, then go back and break them again. Only you can tell us what your style is and your way of learning. For me, I had to approach mine in a very engineering manner - get it right in a controlled environment first (studio) and then start venturing out into the wilds. While i'm still a long way off from being good, I'm now understanding where my failings are and what i need to address moving forward
May 13th, 2013
@toast I actually love your advice in the first comment, any advice and criticism is helpful, and I love your advice. Was the above picture of a professional model? A friend? Either way, thank you so much!
May 14th, 2013
@dansmitsphoto Cheers mate. The answer to your question is "Yes" - she is a professional model and she is also a friend :)

Keep plugging away mate, you'll eventually find where your niche is
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