Critique this Please. Opinions wanted!

May 15th, 2013

This is a first for me, I really like the image although im not sure why. So I would like to hear what other people have to say about it.

Thanks for taking the time to look :)
May 16th, 2013
Did you intend for it to be this dark? The bird is in the center of the image making it uninteresting. Is there blue sky in this image, if so show it. The background blur looks awkard for some reason.
May 16th, 2013
neat shot! i think the bird coming up dark is kind of cool and mysterious... a bit ominous or threatening... very edgar allan poe, y'know?

but i agree that the blurred trees are a bit of a distraction... i'd probably experiment a bit with cropping... maybe slice a bit off the bottom to see if that adds or detracts from the image... and then i might try to find a good aspect ratio that doesn't put the bird too much dead centre... but i'd be sure to leave a lot of the negative space that you've got happening there, because i really think that adds to the vibe... i might try and increase contrast just a tinge too, but i'm not sure it's necessary...

May 16th, 2013
Cool, I am always an off-center kind of girl, first thing I thought too like the others, mostly because your eye goes straight to the bird and you miss a little of the atmosphere of the pic...
May 16th, 2013
Think about the composition . The bird is to much in the centre as said before try a little cropping.
May 16th, 2013
I agree with the other opinions. The bird is too central. Moving objects like birds, bikes, cars etc should be moving into the picture. In this case the bird is flying to the left, so should be positioned further to the right. It's also very small in the frame. If you crop it tight you're likely to get issues with electronic noise, so if you intend to take shots of birds and wildlife you may want to consider a longer lens
May 16th, 2013
I don't mind the blurred trees but my immediate reaction was it was a touch underexposed. Also, as mentioned above, too centered.
May 16th, 2013
I'd lose the trees, crop it, and definitely lose the watermark.

Not easy without the original - as the copy on here (like all 365 pics) is pretty low quality, but something like this:

Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour - Click HERE
May 16th, 2013
I like the moody feel, but agree with everyone else about the composition. Try using the rule of thirds and position the bird on an intersection.
May 16th, 2013
It's a hard picture to work with and all you can do is play around with the contrasts and clarity. This last on is better but watch for the highlighting around the bird as it can detract from the image. I do like the black silhouette against the sky.
May 17th, 2013
Google "Rule of Thirds"
May 17th, 2013
@styru I really like how you've altered this bird pic. Learned from it too :)
May 17th, 2013
I like the shot. Like the dynamic sky. I would increase the contrast a bit more and get rid of the bottom tree line
May 17th, 2013
sorry but i'm not really a fan of the shot.. the fact that the bird is so dark makes me feel like its gone past where i'd want a "silhouette" to be to almost like a person has photoshopped a black bird shaped object onto it.. i understand that if you'd corrected the exposure that you'd blow out the sky but it just doesnt work for me to be honest

Yes rule of thirds can work in some instances but I dont think that really actually works here - the position of the bird with its wings lifted like that doesnt look like the profile of "speed" for me. But for me, if you were to try to crop, then i'd try the bird top right so its looking into the frame and down to the earth. Here's where it comes down to personal preference on images... good luck!
May 17th, 2013
@chapjohn Totally agree, it is too dark/underexposed. This image was shot in black and white, there is no sunshine or blue skies in Scotland J/K it was a driech day tho.

@northy The trees arent actually trees its the top of the heather, I suppose if there was some colour you would see the purple of the heather, it was a bit of a point and shoot moment, I didn't even look through the view finder, which is why the composition is so poor but when I saw the imageI was pleased that the crow was surprisingly in focus

@clicketynix @padlock @pistonbroke @dtigani @styru @janets @dmortega @yahndarkwood @abhijit Thanks guys, yes I agree composition is poor, smack bang in the middle instead of rule of thirds/ moving through the image but at the same time rules are made to be broken. I have been messing about with it and I like Styru's crop as @toast said the bird is dropping out of the sky not flying around and that really works with the negative space in that crop.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment, I really appraciate it guys :)
May 20th, 2013
I wonder why can't I post a new topic of critique? Can you guys please critique the two processing on the same shot here:
May 25th, 2013
@styru good job showing effectiveness of cropping. Particularly like pushing it a bit further out than the conventional 1/3. Creates a nice tension.
May 26th, 2013
would have been cooler if you could see more of the wings of the bird but i love this shot
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