How can I Improve?

May 31st, 2013
I am 15 and I have been taking photography classes in school for a couple years. I recently received a Excellence In Photography award so I know I'm better than most (my age for that matter) but I still fear my work is mediocre. So basically I'm asking how can I be better? Its my dream to become a photographer and I can only become better by learning from the best(you guys). I take constructive criticism well so don't hold back. also is my work good so far? and is there anything else you think I should know? thanks guys!
May 31st, 2013
Look at the website called "Ugly Hedgehog." You will learn good things there also.

I was looking at your EXIF info and there is none. It would be helpful to know camera you are using so suggestions can be made about settings.
May 31st, 2013
I looked through your whole album and you have some good photos. I think and I am definitely no expert at all in any way shape or form some of then could be better with a different point if view for example you dandelion photo in my opinion could be much better with a close up or with it being blown if you search tags for dandelion you'll see loads of examples. However there are lots of good photos in your set with interesting points of view.

How to get better - i don't know. Learn the different settings of the camera? Take the advice above? For me it's about following the talented people on here. You only follow a few so potentially you are missing out on so much talent that gets posted everyday.

If your not sure who to follow check the popular page first? Check the blogs and top 20s. You will develop your own style.if you want to go to my profile check who I follow and start with the the likes of

@ozziehoffy @onyx @peterdegraaf @jsw0109 @pocketmouse @abirkill @northy @grizzlysghost @amyamoeba @mariyakey @seanoneill @agima @bobfoto @wind_of_the_sothern_sea @rich57 @jase_again
May 31st, 2013
you could try the get-pushed challenge and the artist challenge in the themes and competitions discussion, I have learnt a lot from those
May 31st, 2013
@all3y22 - we were/are all 15 once. You are not alone. Some of us at that age had a film camera hanging around our necks, others had digital beasts.

they're all good.

photography is not about what the camera captures. The camera is just a tool. A Hammer. A Drill. A Workbench. The eye is what differs us all. What you see is what you want to capture. Its all about a moment in time.

Be part of it.
May 31st, 2013
@all3y22 First of all - congratulations on your achievement - that's really something and likely means that you are more than just 'mediocre'!

The fact that you want to push yourself and improve and learn more and not stand still means that you are, and will become, a great photographer :) Once you stop wanting to learn, you stop improving.

My advice is to follow people on here who capture your attention for whatever reason - it could be that they shoot really cool subjects (or ordinary subjects in extraordinary ways!), or their photos use light in a unique way, or they use a really cool technique (macro, night-time long exposure). Follow them, try what they do, ask how they achieved their shot - 9 times out of 10 people are more than happy to answer questions :)

I particularly like to follow those whose work is nothing like mine - I think learning occurs best when you're inspired to step out of your comfort zone.
May 31st, 2013
All the advice above is great. One more piece, take some quality time and go on a "photo shoot" as as often as you can. Perhaps only for an hour, but go out with a specific theme of what you want to capture. Then come back, put the camera aside for the rest of the day, and come back to revisit the shots the next day.

As Teresa @pocketmouse aleady said, do not confine yourself to one style or subject. Try everything. You will often be surprised at what you can find out about yourself and the world.

Also, I heartily recommend becoming adept at a photoeditor, and carefully look at each image before you publish it. Every photograph, even from a professional, can be improved by some judicious editing. Certainly get it as right as you can when you shoot, no bad shot turns into a good image simply by editing, but a good shot can often be made stunning. There is always something that can be improved, especially if you wait a little time between shooting and editing/uploading to the computer. You will be surprised about the new inights you can get with a fresh look.

Good shooting! And editing.
May 31st, 2013
there so much you can learn by people off here and also youtube teach things, i always look at photos and asking myself how can i better that or how can i get that good, i ask questions from people who took the photos .. best way.. i'm sorry there no way we can chat on here be easy..
May 31st, 2013
I find looking at others work and seeing how they got there helps. Also not very technical, but I tend to find photographing subjects that interest me helps make a better picture (in my eyes). I'm not great at portraiture so I tend to focus on macro and nature shots. Doing what you love I think helps.
May 31st, 2013
I am 55 and still learning. I have gone back to school at a local university, taking photography classes. I look for clinics in my area. I joined a photo club. I read lots of books on photography, looking for tips and ideas. And as Jason said earlier, You have a good eye, develop that as you "SEE" what you want to capture. Good Luck
May 31st, 2013
Cheers for the shout out man :)

May 31st, 2013
@lbjefferies Same :) Thanks! x
May 31st, 2013
I may seem basic but get to know your camera really well so that you and it become one. You knw how it will re act in certain conditions so you can get that un expected shot. Worth having a look at 365 and the settings of the photo. Not the camera but the eye of the taker. Keep it simple and enjoy.
June 1st, 2013
thanks guys you all gave me things to think about
June 1st, 2013
@lbjefferies tx for the shoutout Jeff!
June 1st, 2013
@lbjefferies Wow, thanks Jeff. Honoured to be mentioned.

@all3y22 Keep on shooting :)
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