Conceptual image critique

October 25th, 2013
I wanted to show something a little different this theme and chose to show my most powerful side which is the lonely side of me. the artistic nature I have that stops me expressing my feelings in any way other then art and photography. the barriers that that can create and the only way I can survive is to compartmentolize everything.

this work is inspired by Nan goldin and once again Cindy sherman and I wanted to see if people understood or what their own interpretation of the image was
Be as critical as you want

October 25th, 2013
I definitely get the feeling of the subject feeling cut off/separated from the woman and child. Feeling alone. I don't find the nudity offensive but not sure what it is supposed to mean. You are definitely exploring ways to show and evoke strong feelings.
October 25th, 2013
Wife and child are dead. He is moments away from committing suicide in the bathtub. Societal norms dictate that he undress before bathing, even before he ends his life. He feels oddly obligated to do so. It's his last cigarette before walking through the door behind him.

My interpretation...

October 26th, 2013
alone with memories is very strong feeling from this shot , men often get the rough end of the stick in separations, plotting revenge maybe
October 26th, 2013
@thomastoth Thomas and the trip to the make my day lol
October 26th, 2013
@acloserlookpbd ;) I do have a dark side don't I. Maybe that's why I struggle so much with landscapes and flowers and "pretty" things... ;)
October 26th, 2013
Personally, I find it very disturbing. My first reaction only seeing the top half of the picture was that he was a drug addict, then I scrolled down and saw the rest of the picture and read your comment. Definitely dark side.
October 26th, 2013
My thoughts : A story of a separation of the family, clearly. The guy looks weak, sad, pathetic loser to me and I'm thinking the woman did the right choice by taking the kid and leaving him. He has just given up on everything, probably that was the reason for the separation. Put the pants on and man up!

Good stuff!
October 26th, 2013
@janim @homeschoolmom @thomastoth @kali66 thank you very much for all your critiques! ESP jani and Thomas with the vividly told stories!

I'm glad I created an image with so many multiple ways it could be interpreted
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