Nikon Users, I Need Your Opinion!

December 12th, 2010
I've never fully used a dSLR before (I've pressed some shutter buttons here and there, but that doesn't really count), so it's safe to say I'm a beginner. I'm really interested in the Nikon D5000. It's entry-level, but I've seen samples and I think it's awesome. Plus it's features are very appealing, and it's pretty affordable (by comparison).

D'you guys think getting a D5000 is a smart choice? I'm only deciding between that and the D90, but it seems like by the time I get to save up for it, it'll be out of circulation already (and I don't really want a pre-owned body). Or I could wait for it's replacement.
December 12th, 2010
IDK how much the D7000 is but from what I've seen, that's not too shabby either. But I'd say go for the D5000 over the D90. But then I've only used a Nikon dslr once and that was on auto :')
December 12th, 2010
I have a D90 and I mostly love it... I would love to upgrade, but that is going to take a while. I just read about the D5000, so no real experience with it. The problem with it is that it doesn't have an autofocus motor (similar to the D40 which a friend of mine had at one time.) If the camera doesn't have an autofocus motor built in you have to buy special lenses that have an motor built in to them... They are more expensive than regular lenses.

Here is the article I just read.. Hope this helps!
December 12th, 2010
@indiannie_jones I'm leaning towards that, yes. :)
@tamallama Thank you so much for the link! Much appreciated. :)
December 12th, 2010
All I can say is that I have a D5000 and I love it!
December 12th, 2010
@paggysirk THANK YOU. S'all I wanted know--if people are happy with their D5000's. :D
December 12th, 2010
I have one and love it too!
December 12th, 2010
I have a Nikon D5000 and I absolutely love love love it!!!!!
December 12th, 2010
Hi Jiulia, a friend of mine has D5000 (I've a D3000) and he's happy with it. But I agree with Tammi: the problem of missing autofocus motor sholudn't be undervalued. I've the same limit with D3000... Both I and my friend will soon buy another camera (probably D7000) just to overcome this limitation... It mostly depend on what you will do with your camera...
December 12th, 2010
@_juliarichards - @robertagiusti - The autofocus motor is the biggest drawback in my mind. If you don't mind manual focusing with some lenses (not really a big deal) then its not an issue.

I own one, and happen to love it.
December 12th, 2010
I have been looking around myself and have been leaning towards the D5000 myself. I have looked at the D7000 but it is just a bit too far out of my budget. Comparing among the D90, D3000, D3100 and so on, I think the D5000 is the best value.
December 12th, 2010
I have a D5000 and I love it!

However... I was mis-informed in the shop and was told there wasn't really a difference between the D5000 and the D90, which is obviously not the case. Other than that, there don't seem to be any major differences between the too.

The way I see it, yes, if I had been given all the info at the time, I would have seriously thought about the D90 more than I did, but I'll only be getting a few lenses over my life (maybe a bigger zoom, a nice macro and a prime) and they'll all work whatever other Nikon bodies I get, so I don't see it as a major problem right now.

Hope this helps you with your decision. Let us know what you get. :-)
December 13th, 2010
I have a D5000 and I absolutely LOVE IT!! I did a lot of shopping around and comparing (amongst other Nikons and some Canon models) and the D5000 is definitely worth the money.

If this is your first DSLR then more than likely you will be buying all new lenses so you really won't have to worry about the autofocus motor. When looking for lenses all you have to do is make sure its compatible with the D5000 and you won't have any problems.

Hope this helps! Good luck on your decision! Keep us posted on what you decide!!
December 13th, 2010
If it were me, I'd pick up a used D70, then start saving up for a D7000, D700, or the upcoming D700 replacement depending on how long it takes to save up.

A used D70 can be had for under $400 with a 18-70mm kit lens and it's a great little camera. 6MP, but you can still make a pretty good 20x30 print with that. You still have AF with those non AF-S autofocus lenses, and you've got a 1/500 second flash sync (1/8000 flash sync with a minor hack). I still shoot with a D70. It's now been converted to full time Infrared, but it's still a great little camera.
December 13th, 2010
yea i love my D5000 Its not to complicated and it takes great shots :)
December 13th, 2010
I love my D90!!
December 13th, 2010
Thank you guys for the awesome replies! I've got some serious thinking to do. And yes, I will let you know which one I decide to get. :D
December 13th, 2010
I used to have a d5000 and later traded it up for the d90. I have to admit that there are a few features that the d5000 has that the d90 doesn't (i.e. additional features on the menu, in-editing to name a few) but quality wise I went for the d90. Personally I liked the d90 over the d5000. I loved my d5000 but, I LOVED the d90 better.
December 13th, 2010
Hmm.. thanks for sharing, James (@happiboy). Much appreciated!
December 13th, 2010
d90 is the camera. d5000 is plastic toy.
OK, now seriously. On d90 you can put any lens Nikon produced in last 50 years. On d5000 you can put only new lens with motor in them. Ergonomics of d90 are superior by far. My honest advice is to go to the photo store and put your hands on both of them, and decide for your self. Someone over advised you to by d70, I would strongly advise against. Whilst that was great camera, unfortunately time run over it. Giving 400$ for 6 year old camera it's no, no! That's stone age of digital photography!
Bottom line, you can take great photos with both of them, but d90 will allow you to do that easier, it's just bigger and better tool.
December 15th, 2010
I love my D5000, got it mainly because of the tilt able screen which if you like macro and getting your camera really stuck in there is great.

But is also a really great camera for the price. Just make sure you get yourself a good lense because the kit lenses that DSLR's come with are always a bit naff.

I got myself the 35mm 1.8 Nikon DX which is great if like me you like to compose with your feet and not your zoom!
December 23rd, 2010
I say used D40/50/60 or new D90/7000. The D5000 is great, but almost in the price range of the other two. Since you're already shopping around, look for a cheap body to learn on and get some good lenses.
December 25th, 2010
@filipl - Just a minor clarification. The D5000 (and any Nikon DSLR that does not have an internal focusing motor) can use any Nikon F mount lens made since 1959. The lenses will mount without any issue. (focusing and metering my not be functional but the lens will mount and you can shoot with them.) Any DSLR with an internal focusing motor can only take lenses made since 1977 (last 33 years) unless you modify the lens. If you attempt to mount a non-AI lens that hasn't been modified onto a new camera body with an internal focusing motor, it will not mount and you may damage the camera if you force it on.
December 26th, 2010
@filipl Stone age if you're a megapixel chaser maybe. I bet I could post a photo taken with my old D70 next to a photo taken with my D300 ('fraid you'd think that camera is outdated as well, tho, considering it's a 2007 model), and I bet no one would be able to tell the difference between the 6mp dinosaur and the 12mp newer model.

Just saying... there's nothing wrong with starting out with an older body. I considered a D70 for a backup body, and found them in the $200-300 range. (I settled on a used D80 in the end because B&H had one, and I don't trust ebay) Perhaps I'm just partial to them because it's the DSLR I started out on. And it's still the gold standard for infrared photography, so I will probably get a converted one sometime when I can afford it in my budget.

Just stirring the pot a little...
December 26th, 2010
@Josh Sudweeks
I'm aware of that fact, but lack of AF and/or metering for some one who is new to this game could be the same as if they were not working. But thanks for adding more knowledge to this thread.

@Heidi Gurov
So, you couldn't fight with my arguments so decided to mark me as "megapixel chaser"?

Good photographer will make decent photo with whatever you give him or her.
But to tell someone who want's a new camera, to by camera that is old for a third or a half of the price of the new, for me just is not a good advice.

December 26th, 2010
Guys. Chill. It's getting intense. :|
I appreciate all your input though, really helpful. But take it easy, yeah? Haha!
December 27th, 2010
@filipl I wasn't trying to fight you at all, just stating my opinion, which is allowed on here. You post something I have the ability to counterstate my opinion to that. If I really wanted to have an (intelligent) fight, I'd join a real camera forum where pros get downright nasty, and munch on some popcorn while reading the hilarity.

@heidi Not sure if you're saying I"m the one criticizing people's camera choices or not... but I never did so if that comment is directed towards me, I'm not sure why...
January 1st, 2011
get a D5000. I just got it for Christmas, and it's perfect for someone new to the world of DSLRs. It's easy to use and is a step above the D3000m so it'll be usable for longer! :)
January 3rd, 2011
I am a true beginner, as well as a new d5000 owner, and I am loving the camera! I did quite a bit of research but actually going to the store and trying a few models out was what really helped me make up my mind... its very user friendly, while still being a little easier on the wallet :)
January 3rd, 2011
I have a D60. For two years now and I love it. It's a great camera. I do plan on upgrading someday, not right now. =)
January 3rd, 2011
I have to say I agree with @filipl. the D5000 is a toy. Go to a store and pick them both up and feel the difference. The D5000 is a cheap plastic while the D90 is a more solid camera. If you're just using this as a hobby either one will work but if you're planning on doing anything even semi-pro, I would go with the D90
January 3rd, 2011
If you have never had a dslr then a d5000 is a fine choice. The biggest difference is with the d5000 you will need to buy lenses with a built in focus motor. This will cost a little more when you buy a lens. The good news is you can still use those lenses when you decide to upgrade to a better body. There are tons of things to learn when you first step into a dSLR. Don't over complicate those options by buying somthing you may never use or bother to figure out how to use. Get on you can afford now, and learn how to use what it can do, then when you do upgrade you'll have less to learn and be thrilled with the new options. Having an expensive camera doesnt make you take better pictures.

I started with a D50 and loved it, I have a D80 now and I can see myself upgrading again in the future, but its great to know that when I do, I can keep all the lenses and accessories I have.
January 4th, 2011
Thank you, @anm8ed, for the insight. :D
January 4th, 2011
It's more important to invest in good lenses than it is to invest in good camera bodies—the lenses will last for ages (I'm currently using a 50mm f/1.8 E series from the '70s), whereas the bodies don't last for as long, and the lenses you can still keep if/when you change bodies.
January 5th, 2011
dpreview has a great comparison page. I took the liberty of inputting most of the popular cameras on this thread. Check it out and ask your self whats most import to you. While I fully believe in Stephany's post, lens should be #1, than a solid tripod, than your camera body.
I shoot with a D3000, but I really would like to purchase a D3100.
January 6th, 2011
i use D5000 and it's cool... ^___^ but i'd love to have a d90 ahihihihi.... im kinda scared though with the flip LCD... whenever i'm done with my shoot, i never really flip pepper's LCD, i just leave it as is... am scared of having the "ribbon' (dunno how u call that) broken...

but nonetheless, it's pretty cool.. and it has great reviews too!!! same goes with d40 d60 and d90... ^_^
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