DSLR vs P&S for next purchase

January 3rd, 2011
I am currently using a Canon SX10, which I love for the zoom lens and the stability, but I am getting more into photography and considering a DSLR. However, I am a major zoom person, and I am afraid that if I have to worry about changing lenses often, I will miss shots a lot, and it will just be less fun.

Am I worrying for nothing, and should just take the plunge; or upgrade my P&S? I was checking out Ken Rockwell's site for some info, but am still torn. What do you think and use?
January 3rd, 2011
I'm not so much of an expert on this topic, but I currently use both and I think you should go with a DSLR. Changing the lens wouldn't be much of a problem once you get the hang of it. In worst conditions, like if you need to take a quick shot and there isn't time to change the lens, your picture taken with a DSLR will still look much better.
Good luck and tell us when you get the new cam ;)
January 3rd, 2011
Using a D-SLR will open up a world of possibilities. Using a telephoto lens seems like the thing you'll get in to, and if you get a 55-250mm lens for example you will be able to take shots at a regular perspective at 55mm but still zoom out at 250mm. Importantly, you can then shoot in RAW and be able to manipulate your images to really give them a 'polish' that you won't be able to with a p&s.

Remember though, nothing is more important than your eyes when it comes to taking quality images. p&s or d-slr, if you haven't got an artistic sensibility then it doesn't matter which one you use.
January 3rd, 2011
@hjvanriper I have a slightly alternative view. I use both a DSLR (Nikon) and an ILC (Olympus Pen) for different conditions; the first one when I go out specifically to photograph, the other second for when it's in my workbag and I happen to spot something. You can take a look at the EXIF info on my images to see which one I used to take the photos.

The take home point is, there are more than a few factors to consider. including cost, weight, ease of use = answering the question, "Will I use it?" Both P&S and DSLR have their advantages, and the newer platforms are very clever in combining the advantages of both. As for clarity of image, the "glass" or lens will be a primary factor. Read as many reviews as you can on the manufacturer's lenses, not just the body. It is the glass that shapes the light that hits the sensor, and like other technologies, it is "garbage in, garbage out".

Finally, @vikdaddy is right. There are folks doing their projects with P&S and even less, $50 Holgas that are doing artist-quality work. The biggest part of imaging is the head and heart of the photographer putting it into his or her hands that operate the equipment. GOOD LUCK and remember to have FUN!
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
I do not own a DSLR. I had the pleasure of using one over the holidays thanks to my sweet brother. I loved using it and experimenting, however, I did not bring it outside in the snow, cross-country skiing, sledding, walking to the park. As a matter of fact, it was often too much trouble to get it all packed up and it was heavy to carry. Although I would certainly buy a DSLR (if I could afford it), I would not want to be without my point and shoot for ease of use. It is always in my pocket and I never miss a shot. I would not be able to say the same about a bigger, more complicated camera.
January 3rd, 2011
WOW! Thanks for all the feedback! You have given me a lot to consider.
January 3rd, 2011
P&S are great for carrying, and will my next purchase. DSLR are great for formal picture settings. I use both depends on what is needed, if I could only have one... it would be a great little water proof P&S I could use that almost all the time, I couldn't get the shots that I would want, but I could a shot.
January 3rd, 2011
I had an SLR many years ago but hardly used it due to having to pack it all up and carry it - the weight and the bother. I either didn't have it with me when I needed it or it was too much hassle to get it out and set up so I found I was using my p & s much more and these days that's all I use. I feel you can do a lot more with a DSLR but for portability and ease of use its p&s for me.
January 3rd, 2011
Husband just bought a D3100 nikon that I just snuck out of his closet and took two comparison shots of a candy bowl:



January 3rd, 2011
i would say go with both - the DSLR is going to give you a lot more options, but a point and shoot is nice to carry about when you need to travel light or not be as noticed. another plus with the PS is if you see something you can pop off a few shots and use them as a 'memory snapshot' that you can go back to with the DSLR and get more images from when you have time to set up.
January 4th, 2011
I LOVE my DSLR. At first I felt a bit awkward taking it out with me as it doesn't fit in my pocket, haha, but now I don't leave home without it. I even take it to work, to bars, clubs, parties, etc and etc. It's become just another accessory much like my point and shoot was. When I don't want to carry around lenses and all that I just put on a small 50 mm lens and go. That way there's no worry of switching lenses. Zoom lenses are widely available and can even be rented if you're sure which one you'll want!! I honestly don't find it bulky, heavy or a pain to take out with me. It is hands down my BEST purchase ever. Do it!!
January 4th, 2011
I say both! I love my DSLR but i also like having the uber portable P&S. The lens swapping has never really been an issue for me either.
January 4th, 2011
I think I am leaning toward the "Both" school of thought after listening to all the great points of each. Maybe that's why I was so torn. They both have advantages. I snuck out my husband's DSLR yesterday and was wowwed by the sharpness and level of control I could get. Way ahead of my current P&S that is about 2 years old. I have a feeling that DSLRs on the market today have a larger range of F-stops and shutter speeds than the P&S's in manual mode. Well, I am off to do a little shopping, and to check the bank account first... :)
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