
January 4th, 2011
I took this shot today on a walk and I thought it would look nice in sepia, but when I did the sepia filter in PSE, it turned the bright blue sky kind of purple... I dont know, I kind of like it, but it looks a little fake to me. Comments?

January 4th, 2011
I like it, the sky is sometimes purple/pinkish so it could go either way KWIM?
January 4th, 2011
The sky color as it seems to take away from the grass. Not so sure the green & purple even go together in terms of complimentary colors. Tough one to handle!
January 4th, 2011
Oh no I like it!! Very antique or vintage looking. I think the processing adds to it
January 4th, 2011
Looks nice to me but I do see what @jennydiggs says. Could always try desaturating a bit more, to reduce the alteration of the sepia-ness on the existing colours, or just bring down the blue channel
January 4th, 2011
Completely agree with Amy.. It's a good photo and the purple and green are interesting together! Definitely a bit antiquey and really nicely done ;)
January 4th, 2011
I love the purple and green together with the pale gold. We very often get that color of sky naturally in the late afternoon so I didn't even wonder if it had been processed.
January 4th, 2011
It's definitely not overprocessed (I'm personally not a fan of large watermarks, as I find them distracting, but that's not related to the processing). The colors don't clash, but I feel that the filter you put over it tones down what looks like bright, golden lighting that would have worked better.
January 4th, 2011
Thanks for all the input :)

@orchidfire the watermark is just a personal thing. I have had a few photos stolen so I put it on as much of the subject as I can without completely covering it. Just to protect my work. I may not be a professional photographer but I want to protect myself to some degree.
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