January 5th, 2011
Hello from a newbie! I would LOVE everyones help and advice on taking photos! My husband bought me a new Canon Rebel T1i and an amazing lens a sigma AP0 DG/EX sigma! I am still trying to learn the settings and what they all mean! I see all these amazing photos and wish I new how to take pictures like them?! any advice on settings and how to take pics would greatly appreciate it! Also, my husband wants me to take our family pictures and I would love to get some amazing shots!!! all I can say i guess is HELP!!! =)
please look at the few pics I have posted and let me know what you think
January 5th, 2011
A good site that I know a lot of people use is
She gives a lot of great info that tells you what the settings are. It helps things make more sense so you can decide which settings to use in which situations :)
January 5th, 2011
Buy a DSLR guide on Amazon. A guide will show you the ropes and from there you can find your own style.
January 5th, 2011
If he bought it from a camera store (not a Retain Electronics store kind of place) they typically offer a class. I have seen these classes in action, and they really do a good job teaching while you shoot. I heard one guy instructing the group a few weeks ago to get the best exposure and color, to shoot manual.

I couldn't agree more. It is also the best way to really learn. Books are good, but they may bore you. Nothing better that learning as you do it.
January 5th, 2011
I have taken courses at my local community college...surfed the net and found tons of free information ~ is also a good place ...and I have also gone to the local library and rented tons of books!! And Amazon has millions of books for sale!! There are tons of sources and info everywhere!! lol =) HAPPY HUNTING! ♥
January 6th, 2011
365 will help -- making yourself take pictures EVERY day - I read my manual then try for the effect - multiple times. It is time consuming at first but practice is the best way to learn along with all the other suggestions given above. And remember to have fun - don't stress if you don't get the "perfect shot" at first - you always have tomorrow and the next day! Enjoy yourself
January 6th, 2011
THANK you everyone! and @ Juletee you are so right practice practice practice is the key to success!!
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