Newbie with a G12

January 6th, 2011
I am beyond a newbie, infact taking auto pics is somewhat challenging for me ;-)
Can anyone recommend some quality resources for my new G12, looking to get off of auto and more into manual shots...... eventually
January 6th, 2011
at first I would shoot everything and anything with auto on... work on framing and composition... after say 5000 shoots... start looking at the data of the automatic shots you like and start asking why you like it...

somethings will not work on auto... like the moon... but learn why... there is too much contrast as the moon is too bright vs the sky... and learn what the settings should be to get the image you want...


toss the beast into full manual mode and work the the sunny f/16 rule... google it... but really it is the ground for any manual work... you need so much light and you have three ways of getting there...

ISO is how sensitive the sensor is... the more sensitive the more noise as the sensor makes mistakes

F-stop is how wide the lens opens... the wider the lens opens the more light...

shutter speed... the longer the shutter is open the more light...

now the 'art' comes from the wider the F-stop (Ap) the less depth of field in your focus there is and the softer the photos... the slower the shutter the more movement there is the subjects have longer to move... movement equals blur... at a min... the shutter speed should be roughly equal to the length of lens you are using.,, using a 50mm lens... need a shutter speed of 1/50 of a sec... this stop blur from you shaking the camera...

focus to me is the single most important thing you should learn to do manually, and is likely the thing the fewest people work at... if you want one simple thing to turn off... turn of the auto-focus tomorrow and see want happens...
January 6th, 2011
ps that G12 is a great little camera... the IS looks great... should have fun with it...
January 6th, 2011
G12 is great, it's like a slightly bigger version of the S95 but with more zoom (but lower max aperture). I would suggest forgetting about auto now if you've done it to death, move to AV and understand DoF (Depth of Field) and how controlling the amount of light affects your images. Once you've got to grips with that play around with TV if you like, but understanding shutter speed is pretty basic so I would then go to full manual and play with controlling shutter speed and your aperture.

Most important though is your 'eye', and understanding composition and depth and how they can be used to create an interesting image is more important than anything.
January 6th, 2011
@vikdaddy Depth of Focus...?!?! I like that... makes more sense than the Depth of Field I was taught....
January 6th, 2011
@icywarm LOL that's what I meant!
January 6th, 2011
@vikdaddy i figured... but explaining Field vs focus makes sense and might be easier to explain...
January 7th, 2011
Thanks guys, tried my first macros with the G12.
Seems much easier than conventional shooting.
Going to take Jordans advice and shoot like a mad man on auto and then go from there.
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