
January 19th, 2011
Don't you hate it when you have a day and you can't decide between photos.

So I put it to you dear 365 Projecters, pretty please help me decide.

Choice 1 -

Choice 2 -

Thank you so so much for helping me. :D
January 19th, 2011
Rock Girl!!
January 19th, 2011
I can see why you are conflicted- they are both great!! You already have a few shots of the figurine in your album, so changing it up with the shot of the camera would be kind of cool (show some range). I'm also a big fan of textures, so I will have to vote for the camera shot. Great job with both though :D
January 19th, 2011
I like no. 2 best!
January 19th, 2011
Both shots are great. I can see why you are having trouble deciding. I would go with the camera.
January 19th, 2011
Even though I'm new here, I vote for the camera. Both shots are terrific, but I love the textures and coloring of the camera photo.
January 19th, 2011
The 1st one.
January 19th, 2011
I love both pics, but I have to go for the camera shot :) Not only cos I have the same camera lol! But because the textures and vintage feel to the photo suit the subject so well!! So yeah I vote for the shot of the camera!!!! xx
January 19th, 2011
I did the same thing yesterday! I was very pleased with all the feedback I received, but one comment in particular, really resonated with me and I can gladly say the same to you..... @ceenkhoorn said: "Both are lovely shots, but I think you should just go with which ever one speaks to you most. It's not like the 365 Project is a competition (unless you're doing the themes), but rather it's a personal expression of what you want to share with the community here. I have a hard time choosing shots sometimes, but I just go with what means the most for me. I find that works best. =)"

So, my advice would be to choose the one you feel a greater connection with. Which one would you be sad to not see on 365? Also, another thing that I did (which really helped) was just take a day of not looking at either photo. Then, when you go back to decide, you're looking at them with "fresh eyes" :)
January 19th, 2011
I like the camera shot personally!
January 19th, 2011
I like number 2 better.
January 19th, 2011
January 19th, 2011
that's part of why i became an ace member. so i could start a second album to put those extra pictures.
January 19th, 2011
January 19th, 2011
@coolgirlsar I had the same thing yesterday, though not of different subjects.

The camera strikes me as the shot I'd go for, however that might be because it reminded me I have loads of beautiful old equipment to take shots of, it's been a while since I did, last time I tried a through the viewfinder experiment with an old pentax to see what would happen, just doesn't work the same as using the box ones people work with...
January 19th, 2011
@danimarie Wow!! I'm so glad something I actually said resonated with someone!! I feel like most of my comments just come and go. Thank you!! =D
January 19th, 2011
I'm also having the same problem today but both my photos are much the sameness wheras you have 2 totally different pictures which makes it more difficult to choose. Both are great, fantastic images but the one that speaks to me the most is the camera. That's my own personal preferance though and everyone's different. So so difficult, lol.
January 19th, 2011
@danimarie @ceenkhoorn I really like Cristina's comment about going with the one which speaks most to you. You can always use the second shot as a filler for a day when you lack inspiration.
January 19th, 2011
They are both fab Sarah, I am going to say the Camera though, Sorry Rock Girl You are fab but I just love the Vintage Look on the Camera Photo
January 19th, 2011
definitely walkies!
January 19th, 2011
January 19th, 2011
January 19th, 2011
Thank you all so much! And thank you Dani (and Cristina) for those words, they are so true and have really helped me make up my mind.
January 19th, 2011
January 19th, 2011
I like them both. Have you considered becoming an ace member? You can have up to three albums. Twenty bucks for one year. Well worth it, I think.
January 19th, 2011
I like the first one!
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