anybody got any criticism for me?

January 27th, 2011
I've been doing photography for a while and now I've been doing 365 for almost a month. So I was wondering if anybody has some structural criticism or even some helpful hints for me?

Examples of my photos:

Take a look at the rest if you can, any criticism is welcome :)
January 27th, 2011
Im not very good with critiquing but if you tag it with Critique-me you should get some
January 27th, 2011
btw I think your photos are beautiful my favourite one being the lips :D
January 27th, 2011
I see that you have many followers and are following a few people. Do you leave comments on the photos of the people you follow? What I have found out with this site is that if you leave comments, others will do the same on yours. If you would like cc than just say that in your caption and people will do so. Your are also following some very knowledgeable people.
January 27th, 2011
@silverhorn @cirasj , I don't get much critique either, I have tagged a few photos with Critique-me, and I follow over twice as many people than are following me, and comment all the time. I get very few comment or followers, I guess peeps just dont find me interesting, LOL! Oh well, this project is really for the fun of learning and more than anything chronicling my year with photos!

@squmblekat I think these photo's are pretty cool! I like the Bokeh effect on the first one, the third one is pretty creative, but I cant help thinking of another one that is similar with the toothbrush and toothpaste when i see it. I love the fourth one, I know how hard it is to capture outside a window on a plane! For some reason the last one doesnt do anything for me, not sure why, maybe its the lack of contrast, or it just feels kinda blown out to me. Im no expert though, and really a photo hits people in different ways, to one, they may feel its awesome, to another, not so much! Thats my two cents!
January 27th, 2011
Love the first one - the bokeh and colors. Not so keen on the last one. The others are good. No real critique to give.
January 27th, 2011
Hi Kirsten. I personally love the first two. The self-portrait is especially natural. As a suggestion, it might be nice to zoom in closer on the necklace and take it from a different angle (e.g. from the bottom with the ice-cream cone on the bottom right of the photo). I don't really know - I'm just throwing out ideas here - and I do like it the way it is.
The other three don't appeal to me so much. Although I can appreciate the third one as a good pic, it doesn't really say anything to me. Out-the-airplane-window pics are really difficult and always come out way less inspiring than we would hope. I've tried it myself many times and always failed so I'm afraid I can't give any words of wisdom on that one. I love the shape of the buildings in the last one... I'm not sure what the circumstances were or if you were in a position to take a silhouette photo but that would have been cool. Otherwise, I'd try hightening the contrast as it's a bit wash-out the way it is.
Hope these comments help in some way. Please note that I am new to 365 as well and have never studied photography but just offering my 2 cent as I like people to do the same with my pics and you can never have too many ideas :)
January 27th, 2011
@silverhorn Thanks :)

@neontree Thank you! I will try and take those things into account and I appreciate your criticism. With the last photo, I do understand what you are saying, but it was very difficult under those conditions to get a good photo. I am not sure if you are new to photography or not, but do you happen to know any good tips on taking photos of buildings at sunset by any chance?? Maybe something like camera settings or something :P anyway, thank you for your criticism, if you have anything else to add about other photos, I would appreciate it :)
January 27th, 2011
@squmblekat Well, just from playing around with the settings, I would take sunset photos at a higher speed in order to get a silhouette. Here's a post that can explain in much better than I can though! (Scroll down to @jasonbarnette's post on 17th Jan).
January 27th, 2011
@neontree Thanks heaps :)
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