Anyone got any critque for me?

January 27th, 2011
Really want to know if im improving as im sure all of us do. I feel like my pictures are getting worse and that im having good idears just not able to get what i want (really have to read camera manual)

Any crit would be helpful as i kinda had a "drama" moment last night and allmost threw the towel in on my dream to become a free-lance photographer.

Any crit good or bad im a big girl i can take it!

Thank you

January 27th, 2011
Michelle, not very good at critiquing I am still learning myself pretty much but a thread was put up earlier about critiquing - if you tag critique-me you should get some from the experts :)
January 27th, 2011
Thank you i will do that now :)
January 27th, 2011
I will look at your pictures after I write this from my heart. These are things I have learned from trying to self critique. I have learned that I give myself the harshest critique. Another thing I do is to try to follow the composition guidelines like they are rules. I try to set up my shots according to these, but have found that sometimes shots have special good qualities of their own. I am trying to concentrate on working on just a few compositional techniques and examine my photos to see how well I did in these few areas. When I get too intense, I try to ease back, remembering that I went into photography for the fun of it. Sometimes I break away from my subject and just take a quick shot of something else around me that has caught my eye. Hope this makes sense. I am in my "just waking up mode".
January 27th, 2011
I think when you start trying too hard, that's when things don't seem to work out. Some of my best (favorite) shots came from just experimenting and by luck. I always take way more photos than I know I'll keep as well because you never know when that one shot might get taken.
January 27th, 2011
I looked at your photos. I love that you are experimenting. That is the stage I am at too. Here are some things I have read about (and am trying): 1. Keep your shot simple. Your best shots are simple. Eliminate as much distracting things as possible by framing, getting close, focus, and then by cropping. 2. Try out different angles. Take shots as you walk around your subject. Try right, left, in front, low, high. 3. Try different camera positions, like I see you doing, do this for every subject--horizontal, vertical and your diagonal version. See which position does the best for the subject. 4. Crop. I read about a technique last night, but have not tried it out yet. Take index cards or a L-shaped piece of paper. Place this on the photo to crop it. What can you cut out and have an even better result? 5. re: leaning building. I have learned to line up the outer walls of buildings with my viewscreen edge to give the buildings a feeling of stability. I know that tilting the building gives it a feeling of instability. Wouldn't that be fun for you and me to experiment with! Deliberately tilt the building in our shot to make it seem like an unstable building. Have fun practicing and experimenting! I will be out there doing the same.
January 27th, 2011
Gave you some crit, hope it helps!
January 27th, 2011
Thank you all for the crit im taking it all on board and hopefully i can show you i have listened :D

@Kathryn Marshall totallu agree with you i have written down your tip into my little book with tip setting etc Thank you so much!
January 28th, 2011
I am glad you found the tip helpful. I could have used some tips today. I shot pictures in a location with really difficult lighting.
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