If you like to draw...

February 6th, 2011
If you like to draw, post a picture of one of your drawings :)

February 6th, 2011
February 6th, 2011
not long ago i scanned in some of my art work...

lol that will do for now ;)

February 6th, 2011
I'm horrible at drawing. Here is a self-portrait I drew of me and my wife: http://365project.org/jamiebrook/profile (Here's her profile)

February 6th, 2011
two of my favorites that I've actually put in my 365 album. I should start putting more, that was my intention when I started this. :)

February 6th, 2011
@amyhughes they're amazing!!
February 6th, 2011
@sam_cr thank you!! Yours are too! Especially the hands. I'm just no good at hands
February 6th, 2011

Here you go!
February 6th, 2011

and this.
February 6th, 2011

and yeap i am a fashion illustrator... hihihihi nothing really much you know.. =)
February 7th, 2011
nothing great, but i really would like to get into drawing again..

February 23rd, 2011

i love drawing!! :D
here is a rose i drew for my nan!
February 23rd, 2011
wow all those drawings are amazing! i couldn't draw to save my life.
February 24th, 2011
Awesome drawings you guys
February 24th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
I love illustration... just need to update a lot of my work.

February 25th, 2011
July 29th, 2012

I love drawing, especially portraits. :) And you all have so nice drawings!
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