Thoughts on this restoration.(My first)

February 23rd, 2011
So this is the first restoration that I have ever done. Client came in yesterday and asked for it to be restored. While my father will actually do this work for the client I wanted to take a stab at it as I have never done one before.

The left eye was tricky because of the huge fold that was there, I almost had to create the whole thing. Also, the hair.. I wanted to take out some of the frizzyness to it but I also lost a lot of the detail. I used the portraiture plugin and I think this was culprit, so I tried to layer in the original hair while setting back the opacity, it looked better but didn't really have the affect I really wanted.

I also just re-colored it a little but still wanted to keep it looking semi original.

Basically I am asking for opinions on the color?(should note that I am colorblind so I did the best I could lol) and thoughts or tricks on future restores for hair?

February 23rd, 2011
Hi Andrew,
I'm not sure that the colour works in this. Personally it feels abit bright and with the hair and skin tones being basically monochrome it looks abit off putting to me. Good job with the eye where the fold was that must have been tricky to do. I agree with you that the hair has not kept the detail as much as you would want really.
I hope that is helpful comments rather than just too critical I was just trying to look at the photo as if I was the customer for you. :D hope it helps
February 23rd, 2011
@cazink Either a little more colour to the skin and hair or tone down the clothes, which actually look very well.

I think you need to work more on preserving the detail, the teeth look and the hair too.

Starting with non colour restorations and getting the details down is easier a lot of the time, since colour can be added without modifying the information it's easier to work in that order.

At least those are my thoughts on restorations, hopefully it helps, overall it's a great first go, far better than my first attempts...
February 23rd, 2011
Hi Andrew, I am not very techi, but looking as a customer I think you did a great job with what you were giving to work with, but i would not have added the colour and left the dress in b/w. or visa versa, add more colour to the skin maybe??
February 23rd, 2011
I am the worlds worst technophobe so unfortunately I have no advise for you but what I see is a very good attempt at restoring that photo. Personally I don't like the colour of the dress, it is too overpowering and the hair doesn't look natural but the face looks great.
February 23rd, 2011
@andrew_pavlik Given this was your first restoration, you did very well! One trick I have learned with eyes. Duplicate (eliptical marquee with a feather, copy, paste)the other eye and flip it horizontally. Move it into the proper place. It will take some playing with to get it right, but warping it works well for that. You will also have to play with the lighting to get it to match and fix the pupil/catchlight to get those in the proper place. This doesn't always work well, but I have had success with it.
February 24th, 2011
To try to counteract the ultra-smooth skin restored look - a hazard of the technology, not anything you did - try going back in to Filters > Noise > Add Noise (I assume you're using Photoshop?). You can play with fading it to more natural film grain-replicating levels, but sometimes that's all that's needed to roughen up the restored bits and make them blend better with the original parts of the photo. I think you did a great job for your first time out! And I don't even mind the color! You maybe could pull the green tone from the top background and hair a bit - the skin below seems more yellow and warm against the magenta dress.
February 24th, 2011
Thanks everyone. After staring at it for awhile I to noticed that the skin tone was off compared to the rest of the photo, I just couldn't see it at first.
February 25th, 2011
Andrew, I use portraiture and what I've learned is do it on a duplicate layer. Then you can adjust to taste. Also you can mask it and brush it off the hair and eyes and lips and nostrils - the things you want sharp.

Use layers for everything then it's easy to delete or adjust.
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