Critiques, Tips, Advice Please

February 28th, 2011
I only have a P&S camera with a few advanced settings and don't have the luxury of PhotoShop for editing. Please take a look at my pics and give me any advice etc. that could help me improve.

February 28th, 2011
There are quite good (free) editing software downloads available.
GIMP is good and you can get Picnik as an add on for google chrome.
Picnik is good to start on, it is very user friendly.
And I like your photos.
February 28th, 2011
i would suggest picasa for sorting and basic editing (contrast, color, other effects and such) if you have / get a gmail account you can have online photo storage with it. the plus is for simple fixes it is great. i agree with paul, gimp is a very good program as well, but there is more of a learning curve. has a tutorial on picasa. i was told there is something with the newest picasa and picnik for the windows platform, but can't say for sure on that part of it. photoscape (i think) is another one that has a few features. it looks like you definitely have an eye for the shutter.
February 28th, 2011
Hey Renee,
Don't stress about the camera you are using. If you check out my photos, they have ALL been taken with my iPhone. I have a P&S, but like the idea of challenging myself with the iPhone. I long for a REAL Camera. So try not to focus on the fact you ONLY have a P&S.

As for the photo shop thing. I don't have photo shop either. While I'm sure it's fantastic, I keep telling myself that for what I'm doing, I don't need it. From looking at your pictures, I can see you are using some type of site to edit pictures a little.
I use picnik and have just discovered Befunky. Honestly for me personally, they are perfect. I can add just the right amount of something to give an ok picture the wow factor and it may have been a simple thing like boosting the colour, that my iPhone didn't really capture.

On a whole your photos are pretty diverse and are pretty good. Sure some could do with an edit here or there ( who doesn't like playing around to make them a little better ) I would try getting some inspiration from the people you follow or who follow you. Start challenging yourself to take photos of things that you don't think your P&S could do.You might be surprised at the awesome things you'll capture, I know I was with my iPhone. Last thing.... put photo shop out of your mind, you don't need it to create an awesome photo!! Good Luck!!
February 28th, 2011
I honestly don't know what you're looking to improve upon. I think your gallery offers some excellent examples of creative composition and lighting as well as variety. Great pics!
February 28th, 2011
Your shots are great! I have sold many prints from a point and shoot camera that had not been edited, so that is possible.
February 28th, 2011
You've got a nice variety of photos, and without editing them as well, which can sometimes become a crutch. As for your camera- I've finally found someone using the same one as me.
February 28th, 2011

Nicole Louise gave you great advice. What is important is what you see, not the camera you capture the moment with.

You are doing fine!

February 28th, 2011
I am no expert, but it certainly seems like you have a "photographers eye". I love the composition of many of your photos.
February 28th, 2011
@renelou Renee I think you are a wonderful example that talent and passion is far more important than the equipment you have.I always enjoy looking at your pictures and if this is what you can create with basic editing software and "only" a p&s then I am excited about what you will create with different software and camera.
February 28th, 2011
@tolpol @cchambers @nicolelouise83 @jcrowley40 @cfitzgerald @myla @darko @kimshawball @emmar84
Thanks everyone! I'm my own worst critic, especially when I'm unable to produce the idea that I have in my head. I feel like I've been limited by my camera, but I guess I've just been limited by ME! :) I've tried some editing in picnik and befunky.
I think I'll take Nicole's advice and try to take more challenging photos.
February 28th, 2011
@renelou - Don't let your camera limit you. Mine was broken for a while and I shot some photos with my daughters iPod. I got more compliments on those than I do on the photos I shoot with my DSLR...hahaha.
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