
March 16th, 2011
I took this the other day and I really liked it, but wondered what people think as it didn't get much of a response, which surprised me. Can you suggest ways to improve it please?
March 16th, 2011
Personally, I would like to see it, as a whole, a little less gray. I think making the pink a bit more saturated would be nice too. Maybe crop off some of the greenery on the left too?? That way, the rose is more prominent and the photo feels a little more balanced. You captured beautiful detail in the rose itself!! And I love the focus!!
March 16th, 2011
I totally agree with everything Bethany said. The photo is gorgeous, it just feels a little too dark, I think.
March 16th, 2011
@bethanyjay @marydreams - It was more pink on my computer and the wood had a slight reddish tint. :-S Not sure how to edit it right for this site though.
March 16th, 2011
Rachel, I have uploaded quite a number of favourite pictures that have gotten the least attention. It could just be a personal thing. When that happens I remind myself that popular does not always mean good (though if you get both, who am I kidding that it doesn't give you a nice feeling. It does).

I think the top flower person is Annie Charalambous @indiannie_jones. If it were me I would look to see what it was I like best about the bloom - the textures, mood, light, a particular curl on one of the petals, a sheen or the veining etc... Any combination of these things etc. I would try it from all sorts of angles and see what fills the lens - accidents can provide lovely surprises, no? Consider what it is that makes a rose so special to you, what drew you to this particular bloom and really hone in on that and crop the detail out of the picture, either at the point of shooting or afterwards.

From what you have done I'm guessing that you liked the contrast of colour and texture with the leaves and table to have included it.

I like the beautiful colours, light and texture on this bloom and the way the darkening, curling edges are outlining the petals. Personally I might have gone macro on this and kept the background light and dreamy, but it IS whatever you liked about it.
March 16th, 2011
@miranda - You speak a lot of sense, thank you. And yes, you're right that I liked the contrast and textures.
March 16th, 2011
make it more vibrant, place it on something less distracting and a better contrast of colour, perhaps not have the stem run off the frame or crop it closer... but it is pretty well composed!
March 16th, 2011
To me, the deck detail takes up as much or more visual space as the rose itself. A tighter composition or, as vikdaddy suggests, a less distracting or busy background may have really made the rose itself the focus of the image.
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