Full 365 Project Uploaded

April 5th, 2011
I know the purpose of this site is to upload 1 day at a time as you're taking the photos, but I only found the site AFTER I had completed my project

So, I've uploaded the whole year - Starting on my 30th Birthday 19th Feb 10 - 18th Feb 11

Let me know what you all think - feeback on here and comments on the photos are welcome


April 5th, 2011
Why would you do it? do you plan to do another project? Or is it just to show us? I would think it's great that you completed the a whole year, but the idea of this site is to look at one anothers pictures as they evolve, day by day, and learn from and get inspired by eachother.
I just don't get it. sorry if this sounds harsh.
April 5th, 2011
This site is a good place to host the Project, to let my friends and family see the pictures, the way the gallery is arranged like a calander is very good.

Plus this site is dedicated to the 365 Project idea, so like minded individuals can also take a look.
April 5th, 2011
I'm sorry but i do agree with Geertje @geertje How can we look at 365 photos?? We have trouble keeping up with our followers/friends on a day to day basis here. Congratulations to you on completing a year, I've done it too and I know how hard it is to keep motivated. Why not start a second year and come and join us :-)
April 5th, 2011
@kippo --- You can do the same thing with a flickr account.
April 5th, 2011
@kippo Great idea! Join us for another year!
BTW, when you answer a comment, hit the reply-button (blue word) on top of the comment. the person that placed the comment gets a message thet you answerd their comment.
April 5th, 2011
@kippo Hit the REPLY!
April 5th, 2011
@dmortega Yer but there's 200 pic limit on a free Flickr account
April 5th, 2011
@Cherrill I was thinking of doing a Everything I Eat in a Day, then uploading a collage of the pictures
April 5th, 2011
@kippo The project is yours, you can upload a photo a day of more or less anything you please (within reason!) Have a look at the popular page and see what sort of things people are putting up, look at others calendars, we are an extremely diverse community but the one thing we have in common is a great support for each other and a willingness to share information. Hope you stick around and enjoy.
April 5th, 2011
Oh, such a pity to miss out on the opportinity of interactive comments day by day. For me that is the main reason for joining; an opportunity to post, discuss and learn from the daily commentsand hope to improve slowly.
April 5th, 2011
@wordpixman I know, I just herad about the 365 concept and started taking pics, didn't really think about hosting or putting them online until after I was finished
April 5th, 2011
@kippo Welcome to 365! You have some nice shots. Hope you stick around for a second year and gain the full value of this community.
April 5th, 2011
@kippo I found this site after I finished my first year of photos. If you look at my project you will see that it isn't until January of this year that I start to get a lot of views and comments. I definitely recommend continuing and becoming a part of this wonderful community.
April 8th, 2011
@kippo - had a skim through - some nice shots - well done on completing the year but agree with @wordpixman about comments each day
April 20th, 2011
Kudos to you for finishing the year and best wishes on completing your second!
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