200 Pictures into This Project Now, Would LOVE Some Critique

April 19th, 2011
I've been on here for 200 days now, and I would just really love some advice/critique. I'm here to get better, like a lot of you. But I can't do that without your help!
April 19th, 2011
Some of my photos:

April 19th, 2011
I know nothing of photography. I love your photos. I enjoy the variety and the way light hits or bounces off your objects. If you're trying to get better you leave me in the dust. I would endeavor to reach your talent. Keep up the good work.

I'm just started to take photos with my new camera. I don't even know how to use all the settings yet. Two days after I bought it I smashed the screen, so off to repair it went. I won't have it for a few more weeks.
April 19th, 2011
I think these are so visually interesting, and i love the processing! Great job!
April 19th, 2011
The best way to get exposure is to participate in the browse and pick threads and your favorite photo (week) threads.

Pick your favorite of your own photos during this period.
Your favourite photo: 9 - 15 April

Browse & Pick #94 (current thread)
Follow the instructions at the top of the thread.
April 19th, 2011
@dmortega I often participate in Browse & Picks but I'll end up getting skipped. Or the person will not leave advice on any improvements I can make, which is what I'm looking for.
April 19th, 2011
You won't be getting critiquing on the browse and picks because people are picking a photo they like. I would like to see more people leave comments as to why they like the photo too but many don't. If you get skipped make a comment so the next one in line can add you to what they choose. :-)
April 19th, 2011
@bethanylynn I suggest using the tag "critique-me" Ive done this on many shots that ive wanted advice on.
April 19th, 2011
@shortperson2002 I'll try that, thank you
April 19th, 2011
@bethanylynn @shortperson2002 - Good luck on that. I've tagged almost all my photos with the critique-me and I never get anything.
April 19th, 2011
Good Evening,
My name is Yanninia Marie. I am a Brooks Student; and I have to say you have a very abstract and lyrical style. The overall effect is wonderful, I would love to know if the first image of the tree is publish as taken or if there was some type of editing done to in post?
April 19th, 2011
@mej2011 Im sorry you didnt have to good of luck with it. But It has worked for me when I do tag my photos with it. I guess its a hit and miss thing, but its worth a shot to at least try. :)
April 19th, 2011
@shortperson2002 -I'm glad that it has worked for you. Oh well. Maybe my stuff just stinks and nobody wants to be rude and tell me that I should have my camera taken away. HA!
April 19th, 2011
Hi Bethany, I'll give you my critique/opinion on the 4 photos you put in this thread:
ok here goes :)

1) I really love the colours and the interesting angle of the trees, however I find the spotty effect a bit too grainy/distracting, but I guess there's not a lot you can do to control the amount of 'spot' when you're working with a reflection in a puddle! :)
I maybe would have included a bit of the edge of the puddle in this shot so that the viewer can immediately see it's a reflection and not simply an up-side-down shot of a tree with 'snowflakes' buzzing around to perhaps 'explain' to the viewer why this effect is there? But this may not have 'worked' for your shot - it's hard to say without being there/seeing the scene the shot was taken in.

2) I REALLY like this one! You've got a great depth of field here, the focus is excellent and the petals are beautifully lit. Fantastic shot!

3) I like the use of negative space in this one. The red tint to the leaves and the washed out sky remind me of a 'hipstamatic' type look. Is this the same tree as in the first photo? The only suggetion I'd make for this one would be to do with the focus on the leaves - would it have been possible to get the focus a little sharper?
4) I'd have to say this is my least favourite out of the 4 photos. I like the idea with the selective colouring of the hearts but IMO there are a few too many hearts in this shot and I find my eye is jumping around trying to find a focal point. Maybe if the red heart was bigger in size it would draw the eye in and keep it there a bit more?

Anyway, that's my take on these 4 shots. I'm certainly no expert and you might totally disagree with my suggestions, but that's the beauty of art - what one person likes another person can't stand, lol.

I'm going to take a look at your other work too. Good on you for putting yourself out there and asking for help/constructive criticism. :)
April 19th, 2011
@bethanylynn hi bethany, I posted some comments on your last couple of days shots, hope they are helpful to you :D
April 19th, 2011
@yanninia Yes there was some editing done to this photo, I use Picnik.com to edit my photos, and they have some prettty neat things you can do.
April 19th, 2011

1) I do now realize the spotty things are distracting, but that's just how my driveway looks. I think I'll do another shot on the sidewalk where it isn't so spotty, and see how it looks (:

2) Thanks!

3) What does hipstamatic mean, lol. And no, it's a different tree. Looking at this photo again, I agree with you. I wish I had focused on the leaves more, some look like they are just floating there

4) I agree with you on making the red heart bigger, however I don't think I'd change the number of hearts. But like you said, that's the beauty of art!

Thank you for taking time to critique these, I really appreciate it!
April 20th, 2011
Hey Bethany! Glad I could help/offer some opinions :)

'Hipstamatic' refers to an iPhone app that adds certain filters to photos to make them look like they've been taken with a really old school film camera. It gives the shots a real 'retro' look and can make almost any photo look cool :)

The red tint to the leaves in your 3rd shot reminded me of the hipstamatic look which I love.
April 21st, 2011
Hi Bethany
I agree with Kylie T on what she has said for the beggining photo but I also have a question about it, is it a water reflection or is it a ground type of thing, as i can't tell.
April 26th, 2011
I love your photos, you have a softness to your photos that you have displayed here that is very beautiful. you seem to have great focus, like in the flower you have focused on the staymin - sp?-, it is lovely because ofhow soft it makes the petals. no critiqes on these photos, can't wait to see your other photos.
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