
April 23rd, 2011
I find myself photographing the same places over and over. Why? In the hope of finding something new perhaps? Other people seem to live in far more interesting places or am I just used to seeing the same sights over and over? I live near the seaside but I tend to try and steer clear of seaside shots because they all tend to look the same, yet somebody could come along and see something completely different and take a real WOW photograph of the same thing. I think I need to get out more ha ha.
April 23rd, 2011
I used to live right on the beach too and yet any photos I took there were always bleh in my eyes. What changed that for me was shooting at night instead - the results may surprise you. Examples below - set up my tripod for the sake of it; didn't expect this to turn out the way it did.

Try a different time of day - doesn't have to be night - could be really early in the morning; make the sunrise your own.

Or, alternatively, look for the little details. A seashell (will refrain from posting another shot :p) or some pretty stones.
April 23rd, 2011
Once I found hundreds of washed up star fish on the shore... so I photographed them instead... MACRO... play about with the colour in your shots too.
Maybe find yourself some driftwood, or collect different coloured stones from the beach and take them home for a different suroundings.
A bit dangerous, BUT, wade into the sea a little and take one of the shoreline behind you instead of the ocean. Have fun and let us know how you go on !
April 23rd, 2011
When I was a kid, I LOVED reading maps. My family would go on a one or two week vacation every summer. We would travel across the state we lived in to the beach, and then travel down the east coast of the United States to Myrtle Beach (where I now live, ironic huh).

But it did not matter how many times my parents drove those same roads, we got lost at least once every summer. It was funny when I was kid, but irritating as I grew older. So, I grew up very fond of maps.

Now, I like to study a map before I go anywhere. And to keep my photography interesting, I love exploring new places. You never know what you might find. The photo below is a perfect example: I studied a map of Horry County where I live now, and decided to just take this one road that traveled from one side of the county to the other just to see what I could see. And this is what I found.

Pull out a map. Pick a road. Follow it. You'll be surprised just how many photo opportunities there really are in just your county.

April 23rd, 2011
And here I am land-bound, longing for more seaside photos... but I do understand that when you see the same all the time it's hard to view it in new ways.
April 23rd, 2011
For inspirational seascape shots check out @jodimuli He takes lovely shots, minimalistic but my help you to love the seaside again !
April 23rd, 2011
@miley89 Im the same way, i live down by the beach but its seems like every time I take a shot I think oh man another beach shot. Or oh boy another flower shot. I think what my problem is im so used to seeing the beach stuff that my mind blocks out its beauty and wonder and I just search for something that is neat to me (which its taken hours somedays to find one thing).
Also, I think the days that I dont plan to go to the beach or plan out where I want to take the shot, I make a desperate attempt to get a shot in that day and when I come home Im so flustered because its far from what I wanted therefor im not happy with it. I make myself go down to the beach everyday just to get out of the house. Go early and you may find something interesting that has washed up on the shore.

Just remember if its the same ol ho hum to you it maybe be something new and exciting to someone else. I cant tell you how much ive learned and seen though other peoples photos on here. Ive see things ive never seen before.

I hope you get the inspiration you want!
April 23rd, 2011
I always find myself photgraphing this same tree in my front yard...but the sky is always different, so in a way it kinda works out. Here are just the 3 that Ive posted on 365 :)

April 23rd, 2011
They're amazing

April 23rd, 2011
90% of my pictures are taken within a 10 mile radius of home. Look for the details, like @ehenry95 mentioned. Learn to edit your pictures in different ways too.
April 23rd, 2011
April 23rd, 2011
Keep looking, if you are dissatisfied. Look at other peoples photos and figure out what you like about them. See if you can spot someone's style. Look at your own and think how you could have done something different with the same subject.

Being your own harshest critic is a hallmark of the really creative, so don't give up.
April 24th, 2011
Don't be too harsh on yourself! I am the most amateur, SOC gal, who just loves taking photos. I could get very overwhelmed by all the great talent and creativity I see on 365, but I try to let it and all the wonderful people who take the time to to leave me comments,encourage and teach me. 'Seeing' is'nt always a physical thing.As they say on Pandora, 'I see you...'.
April 24th, 2011
I see that you live in Southend, there is a wealth of excitement and history there, the pier for example or you could do Peter Pan's at night, Hadleigh Castle isn't too fareither. I'd do what @jasonbarnette suggested, grab a map and go exploring, you don't even really need a car to go far. But also like @moominmomma said don't be too harsh on yourself, you are meant to be enjoying this.
April 24th, 2011
Yes. I had a little play about this morning. Whilst walking home along the beach =)

April 24th, 2011
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