Are We Shy about Interpretation?

April 29th, 2011
I have a commenter who is really good about interpreting my work and always has insightful comments. But he is the only one, (I don't do it either.) Most of my comments about other peoples work just tends to focus on an aspect of the work, lighting, color, processing and I do not delve into the meaning.

Do you interpret other people's works in your comments, or do people interpret your work? In other words do you comment on the meaning of the pics, or do you just focus on formal aspects?
April 29th, 2011
I usually comment when I finally sit down which is usually midnight and Im nodding off and I write "Good Shot" "Great detail" etc I should really write more and will do when I get the time, I love getting comments it gives Me a boost so I like to comment on others when I can.
April 29th, 2011
@lisahutchinson Do ever comment about the meaning of the pic?
April 29th, 2011
if a photo really makes me think and/or feel, i try to communicate exactly how. sometimes, it's hard to explain, though.
April 29th, 2011
@smapp I never actually think to to be honest, I really should. I just looked at Your Blue Hand one and commented on what it reminded Me of. I need to comment more with more in depth comments its just finding the time.
April 29th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau I think saying things like the picture reminds me of... or the picture makes me think of, is a way to interpret.
April 29th, 2011
I usually don't get to go into detail like I would like to because I usually have my 5 month old on my lap, so I am using one hand to type. It's hard to find the time to do so, working FT and then getting everything done with the kids after work.
April 29th, 2011
I try to comment on what I like about the photo or how it makes me feel. But, sometimes, when you see alot of macro shots it's hard to come up with a feeling other than, "wow! great shot!" Some macros invoke a feeling with me, but, more often than not, I'm just impressed they could get such a clear close-up! Other photos may or may not invoke any feeling in me other than, "That's a good pic." I DO try, though, to feel something from the pic that I can honestly comment on.
April 29th, 2011
I tend to say very little about interpretation, because mine are often odd...

Nobody has, as far as I know commented on mine with any interpretations so far...
April 29th, 2011
@killerjackalope I think your pictures a rife for interpretation exactly because they are odd. You combine disperate elements and create very specific moods. It seems thst many of your pics are about lifestyle. A life filled with friends, laughter and music.
April 29th, 2011
@pamdavis I enjoyed looking through your pics, your love of nature is very clear. It seems that you enjoy the outdoors and the little critters thst you find along the way. How are you thinking about branching out, portraits of grandkids?
April 29th, 2011
@mariboo I really appreciate how your pics are not just portraits of kids, but they really seem to be about childhood itself. Your "Me Pictures" have a whimsical and playful nature, too. Do you feel like you need to get away from parenting some times. I know as much as I love kids, being a teacher and a parent wears me out sometimes.
April 29th, 2011
I never really know what to say about your photos... I find I pause on them... look at them... but never type anything... that soccer flag and the hand... both... well something... but I never know what to say... I guess I need to start vocalizing why I stare at your work...
April 29th, 2011
I usually comment in the hour before I turn in for the day. Therefore, my comments are mostly like, "nice shot". If a shot has deeper meaning to me, I try to comment. However, I do not always have the words at this time of day.
April 29th, 2011
@icywarm Well if it makes you feel any better, I usually figure out what I am doing while shooting or processing. I rarely plan and certainly never start out to make a statement.
April 29th, 2011
@lisahutchinson How do you like Tidewater? I grew up in Newport News over by Williamsburg.
April 29th, 2011
@daisy And on that note I am going to sleep. Goodnight everybody.
April 29th, 2011
I ramble a lot in type and in talk :) so, I actually try to keep it short(ish). Really depends on the day, I guess. I say more often than not if a photo really moves my gypsy soul I will tell that person.
April 29th, 2011
A bit of both. Certain photographers on 365 resonate with me deeply so I think I 'feel' what they are trying to do and so I get very involved and write, others I just enjoy the work for what it is. It also depends on how much time I have too to 'compose' a comment that has meaning and appreciation.
April 29th, 2011
@smapp Haha I meant my interpretations of others photos...

Are they odd? ;p I was thinking about music the other day and I can't remember a time when I've went for more than hour or two without listening to music...
April 29th, 2011
I tend to fall back on my routine responses of "nice shot" or "pretty colors" more than I'd like. Weirdly, despite my posting some pretty personal pictures here, I don't like to reveal too much about myself so I keep thoughts like that to myself. There are only a few folks I follow whose pictures inspire me enough and whom I feel comfortable with to give those interpretations. Like @killerjackalope I worry that my reactions might seem a little too odd. I shouldn't go around alienating all of my followers, should I?
April 29th, 2011
@sourkraut Maybe worth trying, who knows... People are confusing...
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