Did I improve? Just a lil'?

June 30th, 2011
You guys gave me the critisisum I wanted to make me just that
much better at photography. So I took the tips and the
suggestions and took another pic of a different flower.
So maybe its better. Please say something I could make better
And something you like about it. Something you dont like
about it. So here they are.

First Flower you gave me critisisum on. :)

Second Flower you have not seen yet. :)

June 30th, 2011
the second one is much improved. it's very beautiful! great detail, good blurry (non-distracting) background and gorgeous colour! i particularly love the slightly folded over petal.

well done! :)
June 30th, 2011
@smevvy Thank you! :)
June 30th, 2011
yes, the second one is much better. my only suggestion would be to make that color really pop by adjusting the contrast. nice job.
June 30th, 2011
@dvarey :) Thank you. I will take that suggestion! :D
June 30th, 2011
much, much better - makes me want to look at it and study it
June 30th, 2011
@reba hehe. :) Thanks!
June 30th, 2011
I didn't see the first round, but the orange flower, could be taken from another angle, try and not get the pole in the photo, maybe get down in level with the flower, rather than looking down onto it.
July 1st, 2011
Maybe I would of cropped it more tightly ... or, shown more of the flower. It looks a little half and half on here. Also maybe just adjust contrast slightly to bring out the flower more from its background.
July 1st, 2011
I agree with Diana and Robyn, the bottom picture is lovely, top flower has a nice focus too but the pole distracts. Also love how you spell criticism, have you discovered picnik, you might not NEED it but it's fun to experiment with.
July 1st, 2011
yep you did it, you improved, the second flower is a much closer shot, and they only tip i have is even crop the second photo
July 1st, 2011
The second one is better. Yes, you are improving. I have yet to get a really good hollyhock picture, so you are one step ahead of me. I agree that you could crop the second shot even more. Another idea for another day is to experiment by taking the hollyhock from various angles (high, low, right, left, and subtle changes in the angle) and to leave some "negative space to the side or around the blossom. I love to experiment! Good job on the second picture. It looks soft and delicate and pretty.
July 1st, 2011
Agreed with Robyn; try a more unusual angle, such as looking up with it or at it's level, rather than looking down, which is our usual angle on a flower. To give a different perspective will immediately make it more interesting. Great focus and color tho! Oh, and try playing around in Picnik, as it's awesome and free!!
July 1st, 2011
I like that you came back and showed us a whole new photo. I like the crop with the flower spilling over, focus is good, background non distracting. I may have saturated a hint more.
July 1st, 2011
Much better. I would push the contrast up a little bit. It will make the pink a bit more vivid and the white lines will be enhanced. I also like that the flower is taken from the same height and not from above; You could also try playing with different angles (oh, I just see it has been suggested above already), don't hesitate sitting on the ground (if possible) and shooting from below. Is your camera a P&S? What mode did you use to shoot this?
July 1st, 2011
The second one is definitely improved but a little more contrast would add to it.
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