How to get a better angle??

August 18th, 2011
My photo of the wooden bench and wagon wheels didn't turn out exactly like I would have liked it to.I wanted it to be a little closer and with both the wheels completely in the photo.I was standing off to the side some and kneeling on one knee when I took it,should I have been more directly in front?or maybe not kneeling?
August 18th, 2011
Hi April,
Do you have the photo in your 365 album? If so, what date is it? I'm sure people will be glad to critique and help you out!
August 18th, 2011
Thanks Space yes,now I do, lol.I realized after I posted that i didn't even have my photo in the album here or any information in with my post.It is under August 18th titled Antique Mall
August 18th, 2011
I don't see the picture anywhere
August 18th, 2011
Better is subjective. Try a wider angle on the lens. The exit info gave 30mm as the focal length, so it is s wide angle zoom? Zoom out as far as possible, then physically move closer. Try different angles, get all the component into the shot, then walk around the subject in a rough semi-circle, moving in and out, up and down. Take shots the whole time to get an idea of how different angles affect the shot. Zoom in and out as well. Battery is dying, must go.
August 18th, 2011

Thought I'd help you out here and copy it on to your discussion. I hope I put up the right one! As far as I'm concerned, I like the shot. I don't think you needed both wheels in it. I think the only thing I might have done was to not have so much space between the top of the bench roof and the edge of the picture. I like its rustic flavor. Also, if you did shoot straight on or at a sharper angle, you might have been able to get that grey thing on the side out of the picture. Otherwise, I like the subject matter and think you did a decent job with it.
August 18th, 2011
@aeast Sorry April- after I did the previous post I realized I forgot to hit reply!!
August 19th, 2011
Thank you so much Ann! And yes,I see what you mean now,about the space between the top of the bench roof and edge of the picture-thank you!! I am going to see if I can try and crop it.
August 19th, 2011
@lilbudhha thanks!! I'll do that.
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