Accidentally deleted folders of photos on Picasa...?

October 16th, 2011
Heyy there,
I just downloaded Picasa and it automatically searched for folders of pictures on my computer. When they came up I pressed 'delete' (foolishly assuming this would just delete them from the application and not from my hard drive) and now they're nowhere to be found... They're not in the Trash, and I can't undo the action on Picasa. Anyone know what I can do?
Thanks for any help!
October 16th, 2011
Yikes.... I'm not sure at all, but I know there will be people on here that will come to your rescue I'm certain.... Good luck.
October 16th, 2011
If you only pressed delete in Picasa they really should be in your trash can. Did you search further down the list, sometimes items in the trash can appear very unorganised. I hope you will be able to retrieve them somehow, loosing photos like this is one of my nightmares.
October 16th, 2011
First try not to panic. Second as Judith suggests double check your trash can/recycling bin. Third if you still have Picasa open try closing it and searching for the pictures in the folders they were originally in - I used to use Picasa and it didn't change files in their original (off Picasa) location until actively exported.
October 16th, 2011
Oh they're in the trash can! Well I feel like a fool now :p thanks for your help, such a relief to get them back:) xx
October 16th, 2011
Glad you found them I know the sense of panic when you think you've lost photos - not a nice feeling
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