Critique Please?

October 16th, 2011
October 16th, 2011
Woah dis is pruttty!
October 16th, 2011
I think it's super pretty! I like it, :)
October 16th, 2011
Really beautiful! Just two things, and they're not criticising your capture at all; was there an original in colour? Just wonder what it also looked like and why you chose B&W?
Also, I would have tried to get the whole background behind the bottle totally black. Great pic though...!!
October 16th, 2011
@kimmiesue There is an original, I just do not have it. It was just awful in color. The color of the surface was this off yellow-ish and it just was not working for me. I picked b&w because it looks way better and more dramatic. Thank you for you comment!

@tigervolleyball @davidsphotos Thank you both!
October 16th, 2011
For me the glare & flare from the light source on the LHS is distracting, perhaps it couls have been diffused a bit, or moved further away?
I agree that the background could have been darker too, though I appreciate the difficulties in doing this when photographing see through glass - it's all too easy for it to disappear into the background!
A matte surface to stand the item on would have cleaned up the reflections at the bottom too.
Hope you don't think I'm being too harsh, just offering some honest opinions :-)
October 16th, 2011
Love it - maybe if it's worth mentioning is that I would've removed the 'picture' thing in the background on the right - but left the light coming in on the left. Awesome pic otherwise.
October 16th, 2011
I agree with @thebluegnu. The picture thingy in the background could be shadowed out ;)
October 16th, 2011
@sburbidge Thank you! No not too harsh at all! I was pretty much just playing around with this object, and this was my favorite

@thebluegnu The 'picture' thing is a window... can't really move that :/ but thank you! I could try to remove it through edit I suppose
October 17th, 2011
I don't know what editing program you use, but a simple clone tool action could help you remove it.
October 17th, 2011
@shadesofgrey I used Picnik, but I do have photoshop.. but I'm not a big photoshopper
October 17th, 2011
In the past I wasn't sure how editing would affect the "integrity" of my photos but through research and discussion I have come to the conclusion that editing is preferrable and even neccesary in some cases.

Every well known photographer "edits" their photography some how, i.e. dodging, burning, double exposures, vignetting, etc.

There have been many many discussion in the short 10 months I have been here about the merits of editing and over-editing, etc. I am not about to launch into any of that.

Suffice it to say that I have embraced the editing process and have found that it has made my photography better. I concentrate on the composition more so that I have to edit less to acheive the desired results. What I can't mitigate there, I try to fix in post processing.

If it's because you don't have the knowlege...there are plenty of tutorials on here, and the web that will walk you step by step through darn near anything you want to learn or attempt with a photo. It is worth looking into just to improve your photos you take for your own/families enjoyment. IMO anyway.
October 17th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Thank you for the information! I do edit all of my pictures because my camera is 5 years old and does not take the best of pictures. It is only a 7 megapixel so it is way outdated! haha, I will look more into these tutorials. I do know how to use photoshop, I just really don't prefer it.
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