Any advice?

November 22nd, 2011
I'm constantly being told that I have the 'eye' for photography. But because not many people look and comment on my photo's I never know what others actually think about them. If you think I could improve something, advice will be great!

plus, if you have a favourite, please tell me!
November 23rd, 2011
Hello Natalie,
I had a look at your photos and most of them are very well composed. Sometimes it would help, if the whole subject was in the frame (the yellow school bus for example is a bit cut off at the bottom), sometimes the image is a bit blurry (Mr. Hedgehog for example), which are things that get better with practice. But the most important thing is to have fun with it and it looks like you do :).
November 23rd, 2011
Wot Janna said.
Looks like you got a little cybershot Sony, so you're doing bloody well, because there's people on here with million pound cameras and trust me there's a big difference in the picture in the end. See if it has a macro setting in the 'scenes' menu and experiment with it, on pictures like the 16th September, where you're wanting to take a picture quite close to your subject switch to macro, which might also be represented by a small picture of a flower. Work on your focus, macro can be very useful with this kind of camera, where DSLRs let you focus on one thing and blur out the background, only macro in a point and shoot can replicate that. When you take a picture zoom in on the screen of the camera to make sure it is 1) in focus, 2) not shaky from it being too dull (put flash on) and 3) everything you wanted to photograph is in the frame. if not retake the picture. good luck.
November 23rd, 2011
Thanks guys thats really helpful advice!!!! time to put into practice...
November 23rd, 2011
@chewyteeth I recently got a new camera, because my other one broke, so I've now got Panasonic Lumix.
November 23rd, 2011
@natalar oh well up until a month ago all my pictures are taken by a panasonic lumix, which one? You'll find all the settings on there, and some really nice effects to be had on the menu. I used to use the fireworks setting for night time street scenes and a fast burst shot for action shots which always came out well. Good Luck.
November 23rd, 2011
@chewyteeth Thanks! not entirely sure which one I've got...
November 24th, 2011
@natalar Natalie, Dave @chewyteeth is being bit dismissive of p&s cameras - I'm using an earlier version of the Sony Cybershot you used earlier in your project.

You have to learn the camera and its limitations and keep trying. Take loads of pictures at different angles and different settings to see what happens. Try the macro and all the settings you can find - I need to have another go at playing with the burst setting on mine. Look at the Exif data you get and try and work out what does what on the camera.

Are you using it in auto? You have to reinterpret the comments on how to deal with DSLR cameras, but a lot of the basic camera stuff remains - the balancing up of ISO settings and exposure time, higher ISO is grainy, but if you keep it low the exposure time will mean you will get a blurred image in low light unless using a tripod. The camera presets will give you some of the settings others are using - not as flexible, but if you know twilight setting means a longer exposure time, you can start playing with light trails, for example.

You can get reasonable macro - nothing compared to the good Lumix versions or DSLR with macro lenses, but it's not impossible to get some OK stuff.

If you want to get your pictures seen you have to follow others and comment on their pictures, and they'll look at your pictures in response. It will also teach you - the more you see, the more you get ideas. If you look at Exif data and try to match it you'll expand what you can do. Take part in competitions and on threads - not always possible, because it's time consuming.

I'd also say, learn processing, you can do things that will improve your pictures if you do
November 24th, 2011
@shanne you need to read my message dude, I wasn't dismissive, I've used one all year, and I said what you just repeated.
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